Hail to the King

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  Down the abandoned alleyways of Kamino Ward we see a black, viscous ooze drenching all the walls around.  Sliding through them is the massive creature that came from that empty realm.  It crawls the streets, somehow fitting through these passageways.  Its feet, make a scuttling sound like a bugs with every step.  It's mouth, also leaking the same goup as its body.  The monstrosity seemed to be looking for something.  It looked through every inch of the area until it heard talking.  The thing quietly looked inside, only to see a bunch of its creations in containers.  It also saw a old man talking to someone who seemed to have no face.  It was relieved to notice these people had barely any of his creations, but still wanted them back.

  So, he quickly flooded the entire room with his sludge.  The old man drowned very quickly but the other man was a lot of trouble.  He was able to blow the goup away for a little while, but it overwhelmed him and he died as well.  The demon then explored more of the facility before it would release its children.  There it found the dead body of what looked to be a white haired male.  The thing thought maybe he could be of use so pulled a weird machine out of its body.  Human looking hands came out of the creatures neck and grabbed the object.  Then the thing injected something into the dead body.  Suddenly it burst to life as a black like fog surrounded the hands and head.  The person sat up as it shook its head.

  "What happened to me?  Wait, why does my voice sound different!?"

  "I revived you.  I apologize though that I had to change some of your genetic structure to do that.  That is the reason why your body and voice are different."  The entity said

  The man looked at the beast and backed up in surprise when seeing it.

  "You revived me.  Then what do you want in return?"

  "You will help me wipe out this filthy human race.  And don't try to refuse, the thing I injected into you makes it so you'll follow my commands forcibly if I want to."

  "Fine, but is there 2 more people you can take under you as well?"

  "Of course, but I'll have to make them un-human like you.  So what are their names?"

  "Shota Aizawa and Hizashi Yamada."

  "And what is your name?"

  "Oboro Shirakuma."

  "I take it that you know the other 2 and I can't have them knowing who you are till I convert them as well.  So for now I will call you Kurogiri."

  As he was about to say more he heard the door open.

  "Master?"  A raspy voice said as a blue haired individual came through the opened door.

  The man then saw the entity as well as Kurogiri.  He then looked down and saw his masters dead body in the ooze on the ground.

  "You killed master....?

  "Yes, now I won't kill you sense I see your quirk and it looks very interesting.   Though I will be converting you into non-human as well."

  The entity then injected the other man as well.   For him though, hands grew all over his body where even his face was one.  His eyes and mouth were on top of the face hand.

  "Now, you can disintegrate in more places than just your normal grabbing limbs.  Now what is your name?"

  "My name is Tomura Shigaraki."

  "Excellent, Kurogiri you will watch over Tomura.  You both will command the Nomu and carry out plans to seem like a normal villain group.  This way no one will know about me."

  "What do we call you sir?"  Kurogiri asked.

  "I am the Nowhere King, but you will call me your Majesty.  Now let's go buy another facility for you two to stay in.

  After looking around for a bit they found a building for sale that was still in Kamino but far away from the other base.  They had used a Nomu with a shapeshifting quirk to go and buy the place.  Afterward they used Kurogiri to teleport everything they needed to that location.  Once that was done Tomura threw out all of the severed hands of his family.  He didn't need them anymore sense they can't hook to his new body anyway. 

  "So what is our first plan your majesty?"  Kurogiri asked.

  "I want you both to get information on UA by any means necessary.  I also want you to find out specifically about all the students."

  "Yes your majesty."

  With all that done, Nowhere King leaves back to the other facility and frees the rest of the Nomu.

  "Ah my children, you are now free and will help me wipe this slate clean.  We will fix this world and kill all of humanity."

  The creatures kneeled to the king and roared.   

  "Now, build me my throne."

  With that command, the creatures got to work.

  The Nowhere King now with nothing to do, went to go check on an old friend.  The entity quickly made sure it wasn't seen as it slithered through multiple cities.  After a while he arrived at a home, a very familiar one.  He climbed on top of it and looked through the window into a room.  There we see a boy with blond spikey hair.

  "Ah, Kacchan.  It's been 6 long years sense I saw you.  While I can't let you know about me yet, I will help you transcend the limitations of being human soon.  Then we can be together again.  Like old times before you got that filthy quirk."  The entity said to itself while watching the boy.  

  After looking at the male for hours, like the creepy stalker it is, left.  He went back to his base of operations and sat in his new throne.  It curled most it's body around the end and smiled to itself. 

  "By the time I'm done.  This universe will be fixed and wiped of this filth.  hahahahahahaha."

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