Nowhere to Hide

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When Bakugou woke up he noticed that his hands seemed to be in what looked to be a metal contraption in order for him not to be able to use his explosions.  He looked around and saw 11 people in the room.  The members seen being: Rappa, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Spinner, Magne, Compress, Mustard, Moonfish, Kurogiri, and Shigaraki.  Speaking of, the last one mentioned walked up to the boy and bent down to his level.

  "Hey kid, wanna join the League of Villains?"

  "Huh!?  What the fuck did you say bastard!?"

  "I asked if you wanna join our group.  You see we know what kind of mindset you have and my master is very interested in you, so why not let out your explosive tendencies.  You won't have to hold back any longer if your a villain."

  "Why would I be a stupid loser villain!  I'm gonna be the best hero in the world, even better than All Might!"

  "Wow, he sure is a snobby one.  are you sure we want him amongst us?" Compress asks as we waves his hand in front of his face, as if he can smell the pomeranian off of Bakugou.

  "We don't judge people based on personality or looks Compress.  We judge them based on their actions and beliefs," Shigaraki states calmly as he looks at the rest from the corner of his eye.

"Speaking of, where's this master of yours anyway?  Our supposed benefactor.  Cause it seems the only people who have met him are you and warp dick.  You might even be lying,"  Dabi states as he walks up to Shigaraki.

  But as he's about to push farther, someone from far in the back interrupts.

  "I've seen him,"  Moonfish said as he was munching on human flesh.

  "I don't wanna hear it.  Tell me!" Twice's two personalities said one after the other.

  "He came when no one else would.  He offered home, acceptance, and food.  He like god on mortal plain.  None can stand up to him, and any who do shall fall."

  When Moonfish said that last sentence, Bakugou felt a shiver go up his spine.  For once, he was actually scared of a villain, and he hasn't even met the guy yet.  But if this sadistic cannibal gave this man such praise to be considered a god, then he's dangerous.

  Meanwhile we see Nowhere King hiding in his throne room as two Nomus walk into his quarters.

  "So is it done?"

The Nomus nod.

  "Show me."

  The creatures open the door as a bigger one walks in, wearing a tattered hood on it's head and its spine is sticking out.

  "Ah, excellent.  it's good enough for now.  Start mass production.  You may leave now."

  The Nomu start walking away but the doors automatically close when one is still inside.

  "No, you stay here,"  Nowhere King states as he starts crawling towards the beast.

  He then stops after around 10 feet from the monster and has his bottom jaw detach from the rest of his skull, stretching down so far that his mouth is enormous.  He then shoots two tentacles at the Nomu, wrapping around it then shoving it in his mouth.  The only sounds are the shrieks its making and the sloshing of it squirming in the villains body.  Soon the sounds ceased as the Nomu was dissolved in the Nowhere King's body.

  "Mmmmm, delicious.  Now I should get ready to save Tomura as it seems his plan wasn't as full proof as he thought.  I can see those fake heroes gathering there, and there's more at the warehouse.  I'll deal with those one's first."

  Now back to the bar we see Shigaraki commanding Compress to unlock the thing cuffing Bakugou's hands as he sees they need to treat him as one of their own for Bakugou to join.  But as the theatrical villain unlocks the restraints, he jumps and tries to blast him in the face.

  "Moonfish!" Shigaraki commands as the cannibal has one of his teeth launch and pierce through the explosive boys wrist.

  "Now look what you made us do, we didn't want to hurt you but we will if we must.  Now how bout you sit down like a good little dog.  Sadly those stupid heroes don't believe you'll turn, but that's just cause they are idiots."

  Just then they hear a knock on the door and all the villains look at it questionably.

  "Pizza delivery."

  "Ok, who the hell ordered pizza!?"  Spinner shouts

  But as he finishes shouting that the wall bursts down as All Might, Gran Torino, and Kamui Woods jump through.

  "Have fear villains, for we are here!" All Might shouts and Kamui's branches wrap around all the villains, tying them up.

  "Mustard, don't pull anything.  Your quirk will damage us as well and I can't use mine due to the branches going between all the fingers.  Rappa, Dabi, and Moonfish!  Take care of them!"  Shigaraki commands.

  "Ha, your using wood on a fire user, that's dumb,"  Dabi states as he starts to ignite his flames.

  But then Gran Torino zooms in and knocks him out by kicking the back of his head.

  "Be quiet.  It would be best if you cooperate with us."

  "Ha, you think these puny roots will hold us?"  Rappa questions as he rips the branches capturing him by just moving them out.

  He then charges at Kamui as Moonfish fires his teeth at All Might.  But before the fangs reach him, something small slips in very fast and stabs through Moonfish and Kurogiri's bodies, knocking them out.  It then forms into the hero Edgeshot.  Then All Might charges and punches Rappa, knocking him out as well.

  "What the hell happened, what did you do!?"  Magne shouts as she stares at Edgeshot.

  "I just put them to sleep before they could cause any problems."

  "Good job young Bakugou.  I know you were probably afraid, but you put on a brave face and stood strong,"  All Might states as he puts his hand on Bakugou's shoulder. He then directs his attention to Shigaraki.  "You underestimated all of us.  The police who worked all night to find you, this young man, and our righteous fury.  Now, where is your master hiding?"

  "I'll never tell.  You heroes and your false pretenses.  This world took people like us and called us trash, an infection.  But we will transcend these bounds known as humanity.  For you are the pestilence, not us.  So no, cause even if I'm gone my master will live on."

  "Damm it, tell me where All For One is!"  All Might shouts as he grabs the branches around Shigaraki.

  Shigaraki just starts laughing.  "Oh, master was right that you'd think that old geezer was the one in charge!  News flash you symbol of shit, All For One is dead! My master made sure of that."

  As All Might has a look of shock on his face and lets go of Shigaraki, a bunch of portals open up made of a black, goopy liquid.  Out of the portal come many Nomu.

  "Looks like you might meet master after all.  But for now, bye bye hero,"  Shigaraki states as the black goo bursts out of all the villains mouths and Bakugou's, surrounding them and teleporting them all away.

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