The Aftermath

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  "It has now been one week since the death of the Symbol of Peace, All Might.  The villain responsible, who has still yet to be named is nowhere to be found.  Criminal activity has raised exponentially as heroes are working round the clock to stop them all.  Citizens are in terror and afraid of the villain that could have beaten our number one hero.  The country is in disarray and disaster, if things don't get better soon then we will be overrun by villainy,"  the reporter on the television said.

  The villains were all huddled in a secret facility watching as the reporter talked about the hellscape that was now Japan.

  "I can't believe it's only been a week and already the whole world is tearing itself apart, what a riot,"  Shigaraki states.

  "I know, I thought they would be able to handle this better.  Then again, heroes were basically allowed to be lazy when that self-righteous bastard was around.  But now he's dead, so they are swamped with work," Mustard answers back.

  "I just can't wait to burn down the rest of those hypocrites in the flames of revenge,"  Dabi contributes.

  As they keep talking, a gooey portal opens from the ceiling and spindly legs come out.  They clamp down onto the roof of the inside structure as the Nowhere King pulls himself out and lands.  The other villains hearing this, turn off the tv and quickly turn around.

  "So happy I get to finally meet the rest of you on better conditions.  I must apologize again for killing the two that were with our league before but like I said, they would've not agreed with us in the long run."

  "Master, happy you here.  Me hungry, wonder if have food?" Moonfish enquires.

  Nowhere King obliges and gives Moonfish a few human carcasses then turns back to the others.

  "Now back to the point, you all know why your here.  We want to break down this society and wipe the vermin from the face of the earth, make them rot in their own filth, to make it so the beings that transcend their pestilence like us may be free to roam this oasis of a prison we call home.  For that however you all need to no longer be human.  But I won't do it now, for I have a different mission for you all first."

  "what is it my master,"  Shigaraki asks without fail.  Most of the others are a bit apprehensive but know that this man is the true mastermind behind their group as well as the one able to beat All Might in combat.

  "There is an associate of All For One that I am interested in.  He goes by the name Gigantomachia.  I trust you all to locate him and convince the giant to join us, understand."

  They all nod as they the Nowhere King teleports out of the area.  The area he appears to is what looks like a fancy lab with lots of human sized containers.

  "Ah, my precious Nomu.  My lovely pretties are getting so strong and intelligent.  I should test them out, I'll only send one though.  After all, I need to still make those heroes as well as now the Meta Liberation Army think we are still weak.  To think those fools thought no one would notice what they are planning, or at the very least not expect me to know.  There egos are too big.  Back to the Nomu though, Hood should suffice."

  Nowhere King then opens one of the containers as a massive Nomu with a hunched over back and it's flesh moving over its head like a hood pops out.  It turns toward the black sludge of hate and bows to him.

  "Go out and cause a havoc.  Target the current number one hero named Endeavor and make sure he suffers.  If he dies, well done.  If he doesn't, well your battle won't be a complete loss.  In other words, you get to fight the strongest on their side," Nowhere King commands.

  "Yes master, will slaughter the strong one.  Have good fight," Hood answers back as his master opens a portal and the Nomu flies through.

  Meanwhile the number two and number one heroes Hawks and Endeavor are talking with each other.  They are discussing a joint partnership to find out rumors about more Nomu wandering around and scaring people.  Endeavor finds this pointless but Hawks has given some good reason why they should look into it.

  'Damn it, with All Might dead the country is in panic.  Especially since a single villain could beat him.  I have to reassure the people, and if debunking these rumors will then so be it,' Endeavor thinks to himself.

  As they keep discussing at the top floor of a large restaurant they both see from the corner of their eye a black, gooey portal opening right outside the window.

  "Hawks, duck!" Endeavor shouts as Hood blasts into the window and through concrete.

  As the smoke clears, Endeavor is holding the creature back by it's shoulders.  The only reason the thing didn't go through the entire floor is due to the number one hero.  He shoots a blast of fire, knocking the Nomu back outside of the building but it just uses the jets on it's back to stay in the air.

  "Your Endeavor.  Supposed to be strongest, let's see if that true.  So far, not impressed,"  Hood states as it has a big smirk on it's face.

  "Hawks!  I'll take care of this monster!  You go and make sure all civilians are evacuated!" Endeavor commands as he uses his flames to also fly and tackles the Nomu.

  Hawks listens to the flaming hero's commands and uses his many feathers to get everyone out of the building.

  Back in the fight, Hood catches one of Endeavor's punches as it then has it's limb split into a bunch of tendrils and wrap around the hero.  It then elongates it's limb and slashes through the entire upper half of the building, slamming the hero through walls of concrete in the process.  Endeavor though escapes afterward by burning through the tendrils.

  'This Nomu can regenerate, didn't see the grey ones do that.  Does that mean the black ones have more abilities.  It's not just that though, this one is on an entirely different level then the others, cause it can talk.  That means I can probably use it for interrogation if I take it in alive,' the hero thought to himself as he charged another blast.

  the Nomu saw this though as it charged in quickly and kneed Endeavor in the jaw and then flipped over and punched him into another building.

  "You not good enough.  Let's finish this,"  Hood taunts the hero.

  Endeavor though gets back up and flies back up in the air.

  "Yes, let's end this Nomu."

Hello everyone, sorry I haven't updated in a while, I had serious writers block and couldn't think of anything for this chapter.  I have the next few chapters though mostly planned so will be able to post them quicker then this one.

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