We are the Champions

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  We see 2 heroes in training residing in what looks to be a raining city.  One has a bird head and a giant hand made of darkness coming from his back.  The other is a rocky looking humanoid that seemed like he couldn't really do anything sense there were no animals around.  The raven one was taking care of any thugs that tried to attack them while the block was luring them over.  

  "That's 14 down, good job Koda," the raven stated to the now named Koda.

  The boy just nodded towards the bird then kept doing his job.

  In another area that looks to be a destroyed city we see a kid with red hair and sharp teeth teamed up with the explosive user we all know.

  "Damm, these villains keep coming!" The red head shouted

  "Ha, it doesn't matter these guys are all pathetic!!!" Bakugou shouted as he then exploded another man in the face.

  He swung around and blasted another villain that tried to hit him from behind.

  "Let's go back to the main plaza.  If all the villains in the rest of the areas are like these small fries then the others will be fine.  The only main villains seem to be there."  Bakugou stated.

  Now to the plaza it would be an understatement to say that Aizawa has never felt this much pain at once.  He currently had 2 broken arms and was being pinned down by the giant, dark skinned humanoid with the bird head and brain sticking out.

  "You are a pretty impressive superhero Erasure Head but when it comes to pure brute strength you'd be better off as a quirkless child, hahahahaha!" Shigaraki said as he then started to laugh maniacally.

   'Damm, this guy snapped both my arms like they were twigs.  I'm positive I used my quirk, which means this guy is insanely powerful even without quirks.'

  "Oh I forgot to introduce you to him, this is the bio-engineered anti symbol of peace, but you can call him Nomu."

  Meanwhile back up at the entrance, 2 of the children, Uraraka and Mina were carrying Thirteen who was injured immensely while Sato and Shoji are holding Kurogiri back.

   "You children are getting to be very annoying.  Why don't you get out of my way so I can finish my job."

  But as Kurogiri was saying that, Shoji hit him right in the metal plating on his neck causing him to fall over in pain.

  "He has a physical body!  Aim for the metal brace around his neck!"


  Kurogiri quickly portal'd away after hearing the student shout that and wound up right next to Shigaraki.

  "Master Shigaraki, Thirteen has been taken care of but there were some students I was unable to dispose of and one got outside the facility."

  When hearing this, Shigaraki started to scratch his throat in annoyance till it bled. 

  "Dammit Kurogiri, if you weren't our portal I'd disintegrate you.  Well if all those heroes show up it will be game over so looks like we'll just go home, and I was so looking forward to finishing this today.  But before we go, let's reck All Might's pride.  Nomu!"

  The mindless creature rushed behind the 2 heroes in-training that were carrying Thirteen and punched right through the downed heroes head, causing her to perish. They screamed and cried in sorrow as the headless hero laid lifeless as the monster stood above them.  It went to attack Mina but before it could grab her a giant metal door launched past and cut off it's arm.  From behind the direction it flew from was All Might, and he wasn't smiling.

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