The Great Outdoors

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In the lair of the Nowhere King, we see him watching Tomura and the others through the old television as he thinks of what to do next.  All he had told Tomura to do was attack the training camp that he discovered the heroes were sending their students in order to hone their skills.  He wasn't really impressed with most of those disease-ridden vermin anyway.  As he was thinking that however, he heard a high pitched voice in the back of his head say "Except for Kacchan."  He'd been hearing this small piece of his mind for weeks now.  It was basically the last bit of sanity he had left, or at least the bit when he was a kid.  It's what made him still interested in the Bakugou bastard still no matter how much of an asshole he was.  It seemed Tomura had the same idea however since he could see that his protege was telling the other villains that their goal was to kidnap Bakugou.  It was a smart move on their part.  Even if they couldn't convince Kacchan to join them, no doubt the world at large would react badly to one of the children guarded by these so called heroes getting captured.  'And we will get to see Kacchan again, and be with him like old times'

  "Shut up, that brat ruined our old times when he became an egotistical jackass!"

  Meanwhile we see Tomura fully discussing the plan with his comrades.

  "Remember, don't attack till they are about half way through their week long trip.  This way they don't expect for us to be attacking.  Mr. Compress will be the one to capture the Bakugou kid if he gets deeper into the forest, otherwise its any of the others that are adventuring out besides Spinner and Magne cause they are gonna distract the pro heroes.  Got it?"

The members nodded as they understood their objective.  They then all began to rest or get sent out through Kurogiri to observe the camp area before the attack.  So far as well none of the group except the original two have met Nowhere King.  All they know is about a mysterious benefactor who will give them more power once they prove their worth and devotion to the cause.  

  And so, after the 3rd day of the training camp for the fledgling heroes, the villains struck.  The heroes in training were out in the forest.  Both hero classes happened to be at this camp and the teachers thought it would be a great idea to see which class could scare the other the most as a way to relax.  While the people who had failed the exam before this however stayed in the lodge for extra work.  Little did they know, splitting the students up just made it way easier for the villains.  There were six pro heroes on sight, four of which being part of a team called the Wild WIld Pussy Cats.  Currently they are also taking care of a 5 year old named Kota Izumi.  He is the nephew of one of the members named Mandalay.  Besides the group are also the two classes homeroom teachers, Erasurehead and Vlad King.

  Currently we see Kota up in the mountains hiding in a little cave he uses as his secret hideout when he hears something land outside.  Startled he quickly goes to check it out and he sees a tall, buff man wearing a bird mask and has red wavy hair.

  "(screams)  You-your not part of the people that came here,"  Kota says scared.

  "You got that right kid.  Just go back to your little spot.  I ain't interested in fighting kids.  Well at least ones not old enough to really fight back anyway.  See ya,"  Rappa states as he then jumps off the mountain.

  Meanwhile two of the four Pussy Cats are fighting two villains.  One is a humanoid lizard with a giant weapon made of blades named Spinner.  The other is a person wearing sun glasses, jeans, and holding a giant magnet weapon named Magne.  The heroes they are fighting are Mandalay and Tiger.  The other two Pussy Cats are knocked unconscious.

  "How dare you villains come to attack children!  How did you find this place!?"  Tiger shouts as he and Magne's fists clash.

  "Wouldn't you like to know you dumb hero!"  Spinner shouts as he tries to hit Tiger but then Mandalay deflects the attack by kicking the side of the giant blade.

  In the forest at least half of the students are knocked out or hiding due to part of the forest being filled with mustard gas and another part being covered in blue flames.  The users behind this being Dabi and Mustard, each in their designated area in order to not affect the other. Then with any students that our out of the two area damage users reach, the rest of the villains pick off as they search for the Bakugou kid. 

Back in his lair we see Nowhere King watching through a one way window in the fabric of reality due to a quirk he has called Astral Projection.  he can make his consciousness go out of his body and watch things by going wherever he wills it to.  He is observing as Erasurehead destroys the clone of Dabi that was made by Twice in order to raid whoever would be in lodge.  He knows the plan and is wondering who they would send next.  They are planning to send one more clone of a different member in order to keep the pros confused.  Dabi attacking also makes Erasurehead go venture out for a at least a few moments to check on the other heroes and give permission for the students to use their quirks.

  'So, what are you even gonna do to make Erasurehead and Present Mic join us?  You know how devoted they are to heroism.'  the voice in Nowhere Kings head asks.

  "Well the route I'd prefer to take is just use Kurogiri to convince them to join.  If not however, I can always just give ourselves a mind control quirk and make them submit.  Now be quiet, the show is just starting."

  In the lodge we see around six students in a classroom with Vlad King.  The students being Hanta Sero, Eijiro Kirishima, Mina Ashido, Denki Kaminari, Neito Monoma, and Rikido Sato.  As they are waiting for Aizawa to return they hear footsteps and see a shadow approaching the door.  As the students begin to feel a bit releaved that the other teacher has returned, Vlad realizes that the shadow is too big.

  "All of you stay back!"  He shouts as the door gets kicked off its hinges and launched at him.

  The hero dodges out of the way but then in a instant, Rappa appears right in front of the pro.  'Crap, he's fast,'  the hero thinks as he creates a shield out of his blood that then cristalizes.  But Rappa just sends a flurry of punches and breaks through it.  Kirishima rushes in to try and defend the teacher by hardening his skin but the villain just punches him so hard he blasts into Vlad and they both break through the wall behind them.

  "Ha, that's the best you got, pathetic.  Well, let's finish this."  Rappa states as he jumps at them with his fist swung back. 

  But as he's about to hit them, Erasurehead shows up and cancels the criminals quirk as Vlad pulls up another shield.  He then manipulates the blood to wrap around Rappa and then turn solid.

  "Do you really think you villains will succeed in this mission with so many heroes in training and six pros?"  Erasurehead asks in an uninterested tone. 

  "Hahahaha.  It don't matter whether we succeed or not.  Do you really think the public will approve of kids getting injured or villains able to get into a secret location.  Or how bout one of your precious students getting kidnapped and turned to villainy.  We'll win no matter what happens,"  Rappa's voice keeps getting deeper as he melts into goop.  

  And with that, the dread finally sets into the heroes hearts, as they realize what the villains are after.

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