Tribute to the Nowhere King

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   Moments before the escape of the League of Villains when the heroes attacked we see another place that looks to be an old warehouse.  There we see 4 students from UA hiding behind one of the outer walls looking into the facility.  The students are: Todoroki, Iida, Momo, and Kirishima.  They had arrived to try and save their classmate Bakugou, not realizing that he was at another facility.  However, they were too scared to go in once they saw all the Nomu in hibernation.  As they were petrified in fear though, the front of the building came tumbling down as the pro hero Mt. Lady kicked it down.  Afterward the other heroes Gang Orca, Tiger, and Best Jeanist ran in and restrained all the Nomu.  Surrounding the front were hundreds of police.

  "All the Nomu have been neutralized.  Now to make sure that there are no other matters to attend to," Best Jeanist stated.

  "Ugh, why do we have to deal with these disgusting guys.  Can't we help All Might at the other location?" Mt. Lady complained.

  "It's better to stay here and make sure there are no other Nomu deeper in.  Also in case any League members actually escape and run here,"  Gang Orca justifies.

  Just then they hear what sounds to be rushing liquid as something in the shadows hits the floor.

  "Ah, you are correct in that front Gang Orca.  Of course, you aren't prepared for what you'll have to deal with.  I was hoping for Tomura to be able to take care of himself, but you heroes got in the way.  I guess I'll have to take care of you," Nowhere King explains as he crawls out of the darkness.

  The heroes can only stare in fear as they see the giant sludge monster and it's empty, skull sockets.  The beast opens its mouth as a red glow comes from it, and suddenly a giant laser blast fires.  The beam destroys the rest of that half of the building that was in front of the villain and when the smoke cleared from the blast showed all but one of the heroes knocked out and most of the police dead.

  "Ah, impressive Best Jeanist.  You manipulated the fabric of the other heroes to move yourself and them out of the way, making you not die.  Sadly, not quick enough to save yourselves from damage and from having me free all these Nomu.  Now to warp them away."

  Parts of Nowhere King's body open up into portals and the Nomus start to walk through to the bar.  He then also uses astral projection to see all the League members and Bakugou.  He then has them spew out the same black liquid to specifically teleport them to his side.

(Quirk: Liquified warping.  Description:  The use can create portals out of any liquid and can teleport specific people with the liquid if the user can see them.  Drawback: none except needing to be visible to the user.)

  All the villains plus the loud mouth pomeranian appeared in front of the Nowhere King and started coughing due to the gunk.  When they saw their true leader, most either were afraid or intimidated by the hulking menace.

  "Master, your here,"  Tomura states as he bows to his ruler.

  "Oh Tomura, don't bow.  You are my successor, so you are at an equal footing to me.  This is why you make most of the decisions, including grabbing this boy since he is an important piece to your game.  Of course though, there are two pieces of yours that won't fully fit well with us.  So I'll have to remove them."

  Just then Nowhere King shoots a tendril that morphs into a blade and slices Magne and Spinner's heads off in a heartbeat.  The speed of which scared the crap out of the awake villains and made them think they were next.

  (Quirk: weapon transformation.  Description: User has the ability to transform any part of their body into and close range weapon.  Drawback: causes the user pain as their bones and muscles shift.)

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