City of Pain

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  Endeavor and the Nomu were staring straight at each other (well as good as the Nomu can do with no eyes).  The monstrosity had what looked like purple lightning flowing around its hands while the hero had flames flowing around his. Endeavor charged at the beast and threw a punch at the beasts head but the thing moved its head to the side, dodging it and threw an uppercut at the hero.  Endeavor used his other hand to catch it and then throw the Nomu.

  "Based on the fact you were able to dodge my attacks even though you have no eyes, I'm guessing you have some sort of sense quirk."

  (Quirk:  Blindsight.  The user has the ability to sense anything in a 100 ft radius of themself in full detail.  Drawback:  the user loses the ability to see)

  The Nomu stood back up and charged at the hero.  Endeavor ducked under the fist swung at him and tried to do a hook to the monsters body.  But the thing had caught his hand and then ignited it in the purple substance which started to burn the hero a bit, but not much since he has resistance to heat due to his quirk.  The thing then punched Endeavor in the jaw.

(Quirk:  Plasma fist.  The user has the ability to create plasma around their hands at enough heat to give any normal person 3rd degree burns.  Drawback: if overused makes the users hands numb for a couple hours.)

  The Nomu then jumped back when Endeavor tried to slice it with a whip of flame.  Endeavor quickly then threw a ball of flame at the things head.  But before it hit a ball of acid came out of nowhere and counteracted.

  "Another one!?"  Endeavor thought as he looked and saw another Nomu with wings there.

  The thing charged at Endeavor and tried to swipe at him with its claws.  The hero moved out of the way but the Nomu changed the trajectory of its bottom half to cut the pro's cheek with one of its talons.  The thing circled around and dived at the hero again.  This time however he was ready and caught the beasts wings with his hands.  What he wasn't expecting however was for the creature's wings to detach from its body.  The beast slid between Endeavor's legs then regrew its wings instantaneously and flew back into the air.  The Nomu turned and spit an acid ball out of its gas mask mouth at the hero.

(Quirk: Appendage removal.  The user has the ability to detach any appendage they have and regrow them.  Drawback:  The faster the user chooses to regrow the lost limbs, the more stamina is consumed.   Quirk: Acid spit.  The user can shoot balls of acid out of their mouth.  Drawback:  none)

  Endeavor though dodged the blast and it hit the other Nomu instead.  The acid burned through the blind Nomu's arm but it quickly regenerated.

  "Damn, so the other one has a regeneration quirk as well.  this will be a hard fight,"  Endeavor thought.

  He didn't have that much time to think however for the flying one came charging at him.  The number 2 hero dodged as the thing tried to slash him again, but then the monster quickly flew back and the other Nomu punched Endeavor right in the face.  The hit launched the hero back but he quickly recovered and used fire coming from his back to propulsion himself into the blind monstrosity and grabbed the sides of it's head.

  "You may be tough but burnt cells can't regenerate.  Your dust!"  Endeavor exclaimed as he focused so much flames onto a single spot it became like a giant blow torch. 

  The fire he released turned to a bright blue and when he finally stopped the Nomu's head was completely gone and it fell over, dead.  Endeavor didn't waste any time and blasted into the air and grabbed the winged Nomu by the neck.  He then slammed it to the ground and landed on top of the monstrosity.  Before the thing could react, the flaming hero then fired a burst of flame into the monsters nape to the point it's head came clean off.

  "Well, I took care of the Nomus.  I would've preferred for Shoto to be watching me but its better that he went to help with evacuating civilians,"  Endeavor thought to himself.

Meanwhile the fight between Shinsou and Stain continues.  Our resident purple haired insomniac dodged out of the way from a knife thrown at him and ran up to the hero killer.  He did a false punch to make the villain jump backwards as a way to dodge but then wrapped his neck with the capture scarf, pulled him close, and kneed the criminals jaw.  Stain was fast however and flipped himself over and kicked Shinsou in the back of his head with the heel of the hero killer's boot.  Afterward, the killer brought out his sword and swiped at the brainwasher.  He couldn't dodge completely in time and got cut in the back of his hand.

  "Your good kid, but not good enough," Stain said as he licked the blood off the blade.  Yet after he did that Shinsou just turned and got back into a fighting stance.  "Wait, how are you still moving?"

  Stain quickly dodged out of the way from another capture scarf that launched behind him when he heard footsteps.  And out of the shadows came Erasurehead, glaring at the hero killer with his quirk activated.

  "I see my students found you hero killer.  While I do disapprove of them fighting you, I'll discipline them later,"  Erasurehead stated as he ran up to Stain and swung a hook fist but he just missed as the villain bent backwards and then kicked the pro's arm.

  The fronts of Stain's shoes were pointed so the kick stabbed into Erasurehead's arm.  The villain didn't give the hero any time to take a break however as he used his other foot to step on the hero's shoulder and then leap off.  This caused the spike to drag through and leave a big cut going up in Erasurehead's arm.  Stain had landed on a wall and instantly pushed himself off and pulled his katana out, going straight for the hero's throat.  Erasurehead turned and ducked before the blow could hit him.  He then grabbed Stain's wrist and flipped him over.  The hero killer got slammed on his back and before he could do anything, Shinsou jumped in and kicked the villain in the face, breaking one of his cheek bones.  Then Erasurehead wrapped Stain completely with his capture scarf and then slammed the villain onto his head, knocking him out.

  "Ok, let's get this villain to the police,"  Erasurehead stated.  Then he turned to Iida and Shinsou and shouted, "What the hell were you idiots thinking!  Iida, you were no where near ready to face him!  I don't want to hear the excuse that your emotions got the best of you, and why didn't you inform me before rushing off Shinsou!  God, you two are stupid."  

  As Erasurehead finished yelling Iida was able to move so he told the speedster to carry the other wounded hero while they got out of the alley.  Once out they saw Endeavor as he had come over.

  "I came to look around for any others as soon as I finished off with the Nomu, I see you caught the hero killer.  That's good, and Nezu was correct, those monsters were weaker then the other two that we've seen so far,"  Endeavor said.

  As they were chatting they didn't realize what was stirring in the underworld.  For the League of Villains had spread a video that they had taken of Stain preaching his ideology along with another preaching their own.  That way people would come for either cause and they'd get more members.  The danger the hero's will face, was just starting.

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