Hosu is Death

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  It has now been 1 week since the disaster at the Sports Festival.  Currently the heroes were discussing what had happened and what to do next.

  "So the members known as Tomura Shigaraki and Kurogiri, known as the League of Villains attacked again.  Except unlike the last time, we couldn't cover it up cause the attack was at the sports festival which is broadcast across Japan," Nezu stated to the rest of the staff as well as Endeavor, Kamui Woods, Hawks, and Best Jeanist since 3 were high profile heroes and Woods cause he was there during the attack.

  "So your telling me that these villains had attacked before and you didn't inform anyone about this.  The citizens and the Media is one thing, but not even the other heroes,"  Endeavor stated.

  "I apologize for that.  It was my call since some heroes can't keep there mouths shut.  Again, that's the reason I only called you 4 here besides my staff."

  "While I do agree it was stupid to not inform anyone about the last attack, I do see your point in not telling every hero.  But now everyone, including the public knows about them now,"  Best Jeanist mentioned.

  "This arguing about it is pointless, let's get back to the topic at hand,"  Aizawa stated calmly.

  "Agreed, like who was that brain thing they had?  The hand guy, Shigaraki called him a Nomu.  Also, why were you fine with Endeavor killing it?"  Hawks asked

  "Yes, they had another Nomu in the last attack.  As far as we've confirmed, the Nomu seems to be a bioengineered creation that can't think and possesses multiple quirks.  We let Endeavor kill the thing since it's no longer human anyway.  Also based on the fact they've only used one for each battle and seemed to be very powerful ones, if they have any more, their most likely weak ones.  Usually that would make sense, but they're trying to kill the Symbol of Peace.  We all know no villain would underestimate him,"  Nezu said.  "Now, on to the internships.  I feel that we should keep them around since it will help the students learn how to be heroes outside of just class and fighting with people they know the abilities of."

  "Agreed.  Besides, even if there are a few tough villains, the heroes will be able to protect them,"  All Might said.

  "Ok, than it's decided.  The internships will still commence.  This meeting is dismissed."

  Meanwhile with the League of Villains we see Kurogiri teleporting someone into their base.  The guy seemed to have lots of weapons, no nose, and was wearing a bandana.  This was the Hero Killer Stain.

  "So, why'd you bring me here?"  Stain asked as he stared at Shigaraki.  "Or better yet, what's your goal?"

  "To kill All Might, duh."

  "That's seriously your ideology?  Pathetic.  Whatever you brought me here for, I ain't interested."

  Stain than charged at Shigaraki.  Kurogiri was about to open a portal and get rid of the hero killer, but he quickly changed his trajectory and cut the teleporter with a knife, than licked the blood.  This caused Kurogiri unable to move, making him unable to use his abilities.  Stain proceeded to continue his charge at Shigaraki, and threw his knife.  But before the blade could hit the disintegrater, for some reason it instantly fell down like it had been pushed.


  But before the hero killer could fully react, an immense pressure came down on him.  This made him unable to move, and no matter how much he tried, couldn't get up.

  "What?  You really thought you could just hit me without a fight.  Now who's the one that's pathetic?

(Quirk:  Gravity Density:  The user has the ability to change the gravity pressure of anything to the point it would make almost anyone unable to move.  It can be broken however if the target has enough physical strength to power through it.  Drawback: The user gets headaches if overused.)

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