22. My Tears Ricochet

Start from the beginning

"I am not hitting you, or anyone for that matter. My attempts at being a protective brother are futile and I'm eventually termed the villain."

"Dramatic." Trisha mutters and Advait throws her a glare. I don't have time for this shit. I push past the two of them, through the empty halls of the mansion. It's truly very late but I am aware that Samiksha isn't asleep. I knock on her door and hear a sniff. She is right against it.


"Samiksha it's me. Please open the door, I need to talk to you. What you saw wasn't-"

"What I saw was enough for today. You want to explain yourself? You can do that some other day. Leave me alone Ansh." Her voice is a harsh rasp making me believe that she has been crying for a while now.

I put my hand against the glass watching her silhouette move closer. She leans her head against it and so do I.

"I didn't betray you squirrel. Just know that I would never do it. I can not even in my wildest dreams think of hurting you."

"I-I don't have an answer for you. It really hurt to see that. And especially after seeing all those articles-"

"Not every article is the truth baby-"

"They said she was your ex girlfriend."

Fucking media and their audacity to scoop into people's lives. "Tell me Ansh, were they lying about it too?" I sigh.

"No. She is my ex girlfriend, but that's all Samiksha, she is an ex. Our relationship ended more than a decade ago, we weren't even famous back then. I have no interest in her and what you saw today, it was an accident. I didn't kiss her, we turned at the same time and our mouths just brushed. We both pulled away. I swear-"

"I don't want to talk about it right now. Give me a day Ansh just some time. I need it."

"And I need you Samiksha! I need you more than anyone else."

"Why are you so persistent about it?"

"Because I am me and you are you but that doesn't matter. I want it to be us. It's us against the world Samiksha, not each other."


I hear her yelp from the other side of the door and I turn on my right to see her father glare. "Get out of here Ansh. You've done enough."

"I haven't done anything Sahil uncle. I am not leaving until she talks to me and forgives me-"

He starts to walk in my direction, his stance screams attack but I stand rooted on my spot. I'll take whatever he gives me. His brother stops him. "Sahil don't do anything stupid-"

"You don't understand Sagar. It's my daughter that is hurt and-"

"Do you think I love Samiksha any less? She is as much my child as yours but this is not the time!" Sagar uncle turns to me. "Ansh, please leave. This is not the time or the place. Leave."

I don't want to but it's true that I can't get anything here. I give one last look to the locked door and I turn to walk down the stairs. I move past Trisha once again only to face Yuvaan. "What are you doing here?" He sighs.

"I brought her here half an hour ago." Of course he did. He is everybody's savior apparently. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and and pulls me out of the mansion. It's then that I notice Dev leaning against his car. Yuvaan does too and then rolls his eyes in exasperation.

"I am literally collecting heartbroken men like Pokémons.



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