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Tae was cleaning up the house when Jungkook hugged him. The smiled.

Tae: hi baby.

Jungkook: hi baby.

Tae: I was just cleaning up.

Jungkook: okay. Where's the twins and our baby girl?

Tae: good.

Jungkook went to them. They ran to Tae and they hid. Jungkook sighed. They're still scared of him.

Tae: why are you guys scared? That's your appa.

Enji: he hurt you mommy...

She said that quietly. Momo was also in Taes arms. Their first daughter is now 4 The twins are 3.

Jayeon: mommy...

Tae: hmm?

Jayeon: he used to hurt you...

Tae: he's changed... He did...

It's been a few months since Jungkook hurt Jimin at that park. Yoongi has been trying to find Tae still. Whenever he gets close, Jungkook and Tae move again. They're in Japan now. He moved out of the country.

Jimin: baby... I'm sorry... We don't know where Tae is...

Yoongi: no! I have to find me! My baby brother is in the hands of that monster! Whenever I get so close, he moves! Now I don't know where they are!

Jimin: maybe they left the country...

Yoongi: that's my fear! They probably did!

Jimin: well, don't over think baby! Maybe they're still here!

Yoongi: what if they're not?!

Jimin: I... I don't know...

Yoongi was furious and scared and worried about Tae. He wanted his little brother safe.

Tae: baby?

Jungkook: yeah?

Tae: why can't we go outside?

Jungkook: because, it's not safe.

Tae: how? I miss going to the park. I heard Japan has beautiful parks.

Jungkook: no!

Tae: you can't keep me locked in this house!

Jungkook: yes I can!

Tae: you can't!

Jungkook slapped Tae across the face. Tae fell to the floor. Jungkook kept hitting Tae. Their kids watched in horror. They cried. Jungkook left the house furious. Their kids ran to Tae who was on the ground. Blood was dropping from his nose.

Tae: I'm okay girl... I am...

Enji: appa doesn't love you mommy! We have to go!

Tae: he does love me... He was just upset...

Momo: mommy... He doesn't... He just wants to hurt you...

Jayeon: mommy... Daddy isn't a good husband or father... He's abusive... We need to leave...

Tae: we can't... He loves us... He was just angry today...

Jayeon: mommy... If he loves you, he wouldn't make you bleed or cry... Or give you bruises...

Tae: I'm pregnant again... I can't leave him... I wanna tell him I'm pregnant... He'll start to be more happier. He loves me.

Jayeon: mommy... He doesn't love you...

Submissive Omega (Yoonmin) 18+Where stories live. Discover now