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Tae was talking to Jin while holding his son. It's been a while since he last saw Jungkook. He caressed his twin daughters hairs.

Tae: Momo and Enji. Stay still. I have to brush your hair.

They say still. Jin got his son ready for the day. They planned to go to the park. Tae and Jin had their two babies in their strollers while Tae had his two girls in the stroller in the front. He had one of those strollers that could fit three kids. Two in the front and a baby car seat in the back facing Tae.

Jin: no... What is he doing here?... We need to go to a different park...

Tae: why?...

Jin that man is my ex...

Tae: ooh... Let's go then...

They turned around. Namjoon spotted Jin though. He ran over to him. He held his waist tightly.

Namjoon: I won't let you leave me again!

Jin: let me go!

Tae: hey! Let him go!

He pepper sprayed Namjoon. Namjoon groaned in pain. Jin and Tae went away from him. They went to a different park. His son was only three. The twins were only two. They played on the kittie play ground.

Jungkook: is that my bun?...

Jungkook busted out of jail. He watched Tae closely. He saw him with their son and their twin daughter. He had their twin daughters on those baby swings. He had their son on his lap while swinging lightly. He saw someone else with his bun. Jin. Jin was pushing his son lightly on the swings.

Jin: should we go out to eat?

Tae: sure. Where to?

Jin: I dunno. Maybe something quick?

Tae: McDonald's?

Jin: sure.

They eventually left. They went to go get something to eat.

Jin: I'm so hungry for some reason.

Tae: me too.

Jin: true. I have a question, when you were pregnant, did your belly button become an outie during pregnancy?

Tae: yeah, why?

Jin: I was just wondering if that was normal. Mine's did the same thing.

Tae: is it still an outie?

Jin: no.

Tae: ooh.

Jin: did your ex have a belly button fetish?

Tae: he did. Did yours?

Jin: yup. He loved mine.

Tae: same with my ex.

Tae then sees Jungkook outside the window. He freaks out.

Tae: my ex is stalking us hyung... He's outside...

Jin: what?...

They quickly leave. They go back home. The kids were tired. They got then to lay down. Tae closed the curtains. He made sure the door was locked.

Jin: I don't think he followed us here Tae... We're okay...

Tae: I don't wanna risk anything...

Submissive Omega (Yoonmin) 18+Where stories live. Discover now