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"Are you sure about this?"

At the question thrown by Kevin, Eric vigorously nodded, expressing his eagerness. But the older was the opposite, he was hesitant.

When Eric called him, asking whether he was busy or not, he immediately said no. But when the younger asked him to meet up because he wanted to see the small investigation he did regarding Haneul's case, Kevin couldn't help from questioning whether Eric was serious.

"What's made you change your mind?" Kevin leaned across the table of Haknyeon's restaurant, studying Eric's reaction. He looked certain about it this time, so unlikely him. "You never showed any interest when we talked about this case before."

Eric's fingers fiddled with each other on his lap as he dropped his gaze on them. He had expected such a reaction to come out and honestly, he too was startled by his own decision - to join hands for the investigation.

He knew Haneul very well, she would never decide to kill herself no matter how hard her life could've been. Making people around her sad was the last thing she wanted to do. In fact, it was something she wouldn't do. However, to believe that someone was hurting her also felt so wrong.

Above all, the biggest reason for his exemption from this made-up theory was that he was scared. Scared of the truth, scared of the future, scared of his condition and scared of losing Haneul again.

"Well, it just happened," he simply shrugged which Kevin pondered with knitted brows, slightly confused by the answer given. "Why? Am I not supposed to join you guys?"

"No, no.. don't get me wrong. I just don't want to push you. I know this thing is hard for you to endure." The older immediately clarified that this situation kind of had given him a Deja Vu. Eric used to doubt him before when he accidentally spilled the news of Haneul's removal from the reading club. The younger probably had despised him a lot, oh how he could've told him the truth that day.

"He is Kevin for a reason. Everything he said sounds comforting," it was then Haneul whispered into Eric's ear, struggling the boy to keep his face stoic. Even a faint smile on his face could've raised suspicions, Kevin probably would catch him off guard - nobody could know that Haneul was here.

Eric cleared his throat, clasping his hands together on top of the table. "C-Can I see the summary you've done?"

"Sure!" the older beamed, unlocking his phone and shoving it forward to Eric. "Here you go. Take your time to review, I'll be back."

It was then Kevin jolted up, rushing himself to a corner where the bathroom was. Well, nobody could've resisted the call from the nature. That was understandable.

Having Kevin's phone in his grasp, Eric scanned the area thoroughly. The waiter and waitress were busy with their tasks, customers weren't a lot during this time and Haknyeon's parents weren't in sight, probably busy in the kitchen.

Ok, now it's safe.

Eric turned his body to the left side where the vacant seat was placed but none other than him could see that Haneul was sitting on it. She had come closer to him, peeking over the screen where the contents appeared.

"Kevin is the brain, don't you think? This is a very meticulous theory," Eric said, quite amazed at the mind map the older had done. "Does any of this ring any bell?"

Haneul pouted, looking up at him in the process. She almost cursed after realizing how close they were to each other and that Eric's breath was prominent to be heard. But somehow, this gap was comfortable.

"I have no idea," she shrugged, turning her head away to avoid any awkwardness. She assumed that Eric finally felt the same as he suddenly coughed to the opposite side, claiming that Sunwoo probably was badmouthing him.

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