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Younghoon nearly died of choking upon hearing the story from the younger while he was downing his drink.

Though the contents were delivered too fast and sounded like a gun machine, considering that Eric would be back anytime soon - they had to conclude everything down before he came back, he still managed to catch them all.

Contrary to him, Jacob looked calm as usual, registering every word inside his head as he nodded.

"I mean, how?" Younghoon questioned with furrowed brows. "Eric and Haneul?"

He tugged a handful of his hair off, and suddenly his world was spinning.

"That is the biggest question so far," Chanhee sighed, crossing his arms in the process.

"Maybe you guys can talk to him?" Kevin suggested, eyes full of sorrow. "I mean we all know that those two will never be together. Just imagine how broken he will be if he keeps having hopes."

"Hmm.." Jacob hummed, apparently agreeing. "But we all know that the first person Eric would listen to is Sunwoo."

He looked at the said boy who was tracing a small puddle of clear water on the table. Upon hearing his name was called, he looked up.

"I've failed," both of his hands were floating in the air in a form of surrender.


"Me too," the boy sighed.

Jacob was about to shift his eyes toward another boy, but before he could do so, the boy in his thought - Juyeon, spoke up, "Don't ever think about me, bro. He'd pushed me away."

Juyeon let his head down, sighing next that sounded too deep.

"Well, if that's the case," Jacob leaned comfortably against the chair, one finger on his chin. "The next one is Hyunjae."

Kevin poked his tongue through the inside of his cheek, deeply in thought.

"Don't you think it's inconvenient to ask Hyunjae for this help?" he nudged the older. "I mean how could we go to him and say 'bro, ask Eric to stop thinking about your sis.' Wow, that is so insensitive."

"Kevin got the point," Younghoon supported, staring far across the area. "He won't be here either."

"Is he with Haneul?" Sunwoo carefully asked, his big eyes hesitantly stealing glances at the older.

"Probably. She's going through a hard time."

Everyone around the table nodded, they apparently understood but each of them also knew, nothing they could do.

What was helping right now was to stop Eric from falling for the girl.

"There is another person who Eric will listen to," Changmin broke the short silence, all eyes were on him. "Sangyeon."

Shock gasps were echoing, how dumb of them to fail to remember that one guy.

"But, he's too busy," Kevin dropped all the hopes down, bringing sorrows back into the group.

They were almost there to reach a solution. But the tunnel they were in right now was endless, the end was too far to be seen.

But they had no time. The clock was ticking and every second was crucial. They had to save Eric from the heartache or else, they knew what would be happening, what kind of suffering the boy would go through.

And that was the last thing they wanted to happen.

Kevin was in a deep thought. Doodling in Changmin's notebook, he let his brain roam around, instructing his body freely. And little did he know, a masterpiece was birthed.

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