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The pain was throbbing.

It unknowingly made Eric groan, tugging a handful of hair off its roots hoping that he could ease the pain. But, to no avail.

He managed to open his eyes, studying the surroundings. It was familiar, too familiar.

From the closet, the desk, the pale green walls of the room he was in and even the soft texture of the mattress he was sinking in.

His room.

Slowly getting up, he sat on the bouncy bed, trying to recall anything that had happened. Was it a dream again?

If only Haneul had her phone, he would've made an urgent call to ask.

"Oh, Hyunjae."

Yes, the idea came out of nowhere. Reaching out to Hyunjae meant he could reach Haneul too. For they were living together.

Only if Hyunjae could be reached.

However, when he was about to jump off his bed to get his phone from his study desk, the wooden door of his room suddenly opened, revealing someone whom he did not expect to see at 7 in the morning - he managed to glance at the clock hanging.

"What are you doing here?" he questioned, his phone was no longer a part of what to do list.

"What do you think?" Sunwoo lazily replied, crossing his arms as he leaned against the door frame. "I was sleeping here last night. Damn dude, you're unconscious like a log."

"Huh?" Eric confused.

"Is he awake?" another voice that sounded like Haknyeon was heard.

"Yes he is," Sunwoo replied, glancing over his shoulder to the corridor where the expected boy had appeared, cookies in his grasp. "And he looks like he doesn't remember anything."

"Again?" Haknyeon said that sounded muffled because of the crumbles stored inside his mouth.

It had added more confusion in Eric's head.

First, why they were here? It wasn't like he was dying. Or was he?

Second, "Did you just raid my kitchen?"

He threw that question to Haknyeon who was munching non-stop since he saw him there.

"Your mom said, 'Take whatever you want'," the foodie boy confirmed, still munching with widely opened eyes as if he was mocking him. Sunwoo tried to take one from his grasp but was beaten from doing so. "What are you thinking you're doing?"

Feeling angry, Sunwoo's lips twitched to form a smirk but then remembered why they had spent their night here. It wasn't a sleepover but it was merely because they were worried.

"What happened Eric? How come you were alone at the park?"

At Sunwoo's question, Eric had found his answer. So he needn't call Hyunjae to talk to Haneul. His friends here were delivering the story.

So it wasn't a dream.


"Wait!" Haknyeon yelled. "Don't start first. Lemme get some more cookies and tell your mom that you're alive."

Before anyone could say anything, he had dashed down the stairs, calling for Eric's mother who probably was in the kitchen. His voice was faint, none of them could catch the content.

But, the boy should've known that his raccoon friend was untrusted. Sunwoo had gone further into the room, softly closing the door just like Juyeon did the other day.

"You know you can ask me anything," he said, wandering his eyes to every corner of the room until they darted at the picture Eric treasured the most - the picture of the boys with Haneul.

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