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What was this feeling settling in his heart?

It was wrenching when he sat by his desk while looking at the picture that appeared on his laptop. The picture was taken about 2 months ago when they all went for an evening walk by the river after a hectic day of numerous assignments.

Funny how Eric just noticed it today about the details the picture held.

The one who was taking the picture was Haknyeon. That had explained why he was standing at the very front, one hand which was holding the camera was high in the air while another one was shaping a V.

Peeking from behind Haknyeon's head was Jeonghee, sending a cute wink to the camera. And next to her was Eric himself, kissing a bottle of mango juice. On top of his head was Jeonghee's hand, ruffling his fluffy hair.

But what had caught his attention was at the very back where Haneul and Sunwoo were standing. None of them were looking at the camera but towards each other. They seemingly were engaged in a conversation which they only knew.

Was it jealousy that Eric felt?

But he shouldn't have felt that. He had told Sunwoo about his feelings towards the girl and the latter had made it clear that he too had acknowledged it. So, why did the jealousy even matter here?

In a moment like this, all the demons were trying to bring him down, whispering all the naughty thoughts into his ears. Some were saying that Sunwoo was lying, and some were reminding him of the picture in his wallet.

"No!" he shook his head at the same time he slammed the laptop screen down to have them closed. "Sunwoo is not gonna lie to me. Yes, he's not."

Sounded confident but a little part of him still doubted it. Specifically after what had happened. He did not know who he could trust either. All were suspicious in his eyes.

Eric exited his room, leaving the door open as he trailed down the stairs and into the kitchen. His mother was in, decorating cookies.

The lady seemed to notice the gloomy face her son dragged down from upstairs. So she beckoned him to come closer and offered him the stool next to her.

"What has disturbed you?" she asked, offering a newly finished cookie to him.

"Just something," he replied shortly, taking a bite of the cookie. Warm, it had brought his mood back up as the crumbles roamed freely in his mouth.

"And what is the something?"

Eric sighed - the heaviest so far. Maybe talking to her was the greatest idea. For she could've given him the comfort he needed and also the warmth, just like how she passed him the cookie.

"I don't know what's happening around me, Mom," he began, eyes on the kitchen counter. "Betrayals are happening here and there."

At the word of betrayal, Mrs. Sohn was seen flinching a bit. Concerns were coming into her way in the form of a big wave, scarily washed over her. She pulled her stool closer to her son, patting his back.

"What kind of betrayal?"

For a brief moment, Eric was hesitating.

Spilling this to his mother was equaled to spilling a secret of his. For they were connected.

Well, falling in love wasn't really, a secret but still, it was awkward to talk it out to your mother.

But who knows, he could find an encouragement here.

"I... like someone," he carefully said, studying his mother's face. There was a very subtle move of her lips as if she was going to smile but she pulled them back, listening more. "But, my friends are all telling me to stop. And I found out that one of my friends seems like having a secret crush on her too."

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