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It did not go well - the indirect confession.

Haneul got herself such a powerful protection that she was unable to feel fluttered by all the romantic comments Eric did. Or maybe she just pretended that she didn't.

"What if I tell you that you're right?"

Eric thought it would be over, he thought he finally could tell her his honest feelings - how she appeared ever so beautiful every time they met, showering her with all the affections he had dreamed of giving.

But, all hopes had fallen, sinking to the lowest level of Earth when she laughed it off, accusing him of using her for practice.

"Which girl do you intend to confess to?" she asked with teary eyes due to the constant laughing.

Eric wanted to say 'it's you' so badly. He wanted to hold her tight, yelling right in front of her face how mad he was that she ain't believe him.

But again, he didn't. For, that was the boundary he had to care about.

And that by all means, Eric had to plan another confession - this time more thoroughly.

"If you're in his class, trust me, you will be dozing off," Haknyeon said during their lunch which Eric miraculously had joined. It wasn't like he wanted to ignore Haneul but that girl couldn't be found anywhere and he almost cursed her missing phone.

Sometimes, he did wonder too, why she did not look affected at all without her phone.

"I heard somewhere that Professor Shin is famous for his boring class," Sunwoo pointed out, stealing a piece of Haknyeon's chicken nugget. "So it wasn't a rumor."

"It would never be a rumor," Haknyeon agreed as he leaned forward across the table, nodding with widened eyes.

"I thought you have so many ways to avoid boredom?" Eric pointed out. "Back in high school, you used to use that trick. Reading comics during class."

"Oh!" Sunwoo exclaimed, pointing towards Eric next to him. "I remember that. He forgot that we're in class and suddenly he laughed out loud because the contents were funny."


Haknyeon cleared his throat once, rubbing his nape in embarrassment. That certain memory surely won't go away easily even after a few years. It would come back crawling onto his back, haunting him for the rest of his life.

Especially when Eric and Sunwoo were around.

"That-" Haknyeon was about to say something but a glimpse of a familiar girl who was excitedly jogging towards them somehow had halted his plan. "She's here."

At that, Sunwoo and Eric turned toward the direction Haknyeon was looking and spotted the same girl.

"She looks extra happy today," Sunwoo pointed out, eyes still darted on Jeonghee whose smile hadn't faded yet.

"Is she normally looked like a puppy?" Eric questioned, flickering his gaze between the two boys. "A bulldog?"

Haknyeon snorted right away before his maniac laughter erupted, echoing within the cafeteria. Sunwoo was the worst. He tried to laugh silently, but that had sent him almost falling down the long chair, Eric had to hold him.

"What are you guys talking about?" Jeonghee was confused once she approached the table, taking a seat next to Haknyeon, Eric across her. Just like a lost puppy, she pondered, not even a bit did resemble a bulldog. "I can hear Haknyeon's voice even from a distance."

The said boy wiped the bags under his eyes that were now dampened with the uninvited tears. He took a deep breath, holding himself from another fit of laughter before he said, "Eric was joking. He said that you look like a puppy."

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