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Haknyeon was unsatisfied.

Since he came back with varieties type of drinks which was a bit rare that he became so generous to buy some for his friends, he could feel a strange vibe. It was kind of a tight and tense atmosphere but strangely both Eric and Sunwoo didn't seem like they were in one.

Eric was bright - brighter than usual, while Sunwoo was still able to flirt with any girls they encountered on their way out from the field.

But, Haknyeon knew something was off.

While Eric led the way which he was left walking side by side with Sunwoo at the back, he nudged the flirty boy, mouthing, 'Why?' as soon as they looked at each other.

And it just concreted his assumption that something did happen when the boy inaudibly sighed, slightly shaking his head, beckoning Haknyeon to ignore whatever curiosities he wanted to kill.

Well, in this world, when someone was asking us to ignore, that apparently, meant the opposite. And there was no way, Haknyeon would obey either.

"Is not that Hyunjae?"

Haknyeon was about to threaten the raccoon looked alike friend next to him when Eric suddenly pointed out, eventually halting his tracks, the two followed suit.

Haknyeon jerked his head from Eric's right side while Sunwoo in the left side, peeking over the direction the latter was pointing.

"Looks handsome as usual," Sunwoo chimed in, pocketing his hands at the sight of the good-looking older boy ahead.

"Hmm.." but Haknyeon was only humming - or was that actually, a sigh? He straightened his posture before he draped his arm around Eric's shoulder. "He must be busy."

"Do you think so?" Eric queried that Haknyeon blinked, suddenly feeling attacked. "Do you think he's really busy? If yes, how come he has the time to come visit so often?"

"I... don't think... he's visiting," Haknyeon stuttered, slowly retreating his arm back.


"He must have something to do, considering that he's from the Main Building," Sunwoo took the turn to elaborate, two pairs of eyes were now darting on him before all shifted towards the older who now was shaking hands with a few staff from the office.

It was then an idea was sent out into Eric's brain. An idea that he hoped was a lie and would never turn into a reality.

But, he couldn't help himself from having it. And it all thanks to the conversation he had with Haneul on top of the hill yesterday.

"Are you stressed these days?"

"Living away from my parents, my life is always full of stress." She confirmed. "You know, my parent is my biggest support system back there. I've been considering moving back, forgetting my dream here."

No right? This wasn't what Eric was thinking right? But what if it was what it was? That Hyunjae was here to help Haneul with her withdrawal application. That Haneul had decided to leave and never come back?


What if Haneul had decided on that a very long time ago and he was the only one who didn't know? Maybe his friends had known beforehand and that explained why Jeonghee suddenly had distanced herself from Haneul.

Maybe she was angry that Haneul was going to leave.

And the older guys. Maybe they had heard it from Hyunjae but none had a heart to tell him. Maybe Haneul had asked them to keep it from him.

But that was too impossible. Why must she hide it from him?

"Something is not right," Eric tugged a handful of hair off his head and concerned look was being shared by the other two. "But what is it?"

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