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"Hey, isn't that Juyeon?" Haneul nudged the boy next to her as they trailed the concrete pavement that unfortunately were patched together along the length of the basketball court. "Does he need something from you? He keeps looking."

Juyeon was in the court, holding the ball that presumably, had just been thrown into the hoop. Upon seeing the glimpse of Eric, he had stopped playing and moving, standing still in position and watched the boy instead.

Eric did not notice at first. Or maybe he was aware of the possibility of seeing the older there but not interested to find out whether his assumption was correct. Thanks to Haneul, they were now looking into each others' orbs.

But, what had angered Eric right now was that Juyeon was only looking at him. His eyes never shifted even a bit towards Haneul. Like the girl had sinned him for her existence and she did not deserve even a glance.

Eric's fists unknowingly had clenched beside his frame. Everything Juyeon had told him was ringing inside his head. Not even one word had left his mind ever since their argument that day. All were renting free like some sort of reminder that only made him hate the older even more.

Fake - that was the word he had been planting next to Juyeon's name.

"Ignore him. Let's go," he told Haneul, beckoning her to keep moving as he dragged his feet forward.

But, did he really, think that Haneul could easily walk away like she had never witnessed anything?

If he did, he was absolutely, wrong. Too wrong.

"Eric, what happened?" Haneul jogged to his side, pestering him for an answer. Once in a while, she glanced at the older at the court, oh Juyeon looked so done as he threw the ball and tugged his hair. "You two fought?"

"Nothing to worry about," the boy shrugged. "I'm sure we can figure it out if we want."

The sight of the court was now disappearing from their view as they turned into the driveway towards the main gate. Even so, Haneul's right mind was left behind at the court.

She could not comprehend any of the logic of this happened. Eric and Juyeon were not on good terms - for what?

No matter from which angle she tried to see, it just did not click.

"Eric!" she yanked his arm, automatically turning the boy facing her at the impact. You see, he might have been strong outside, but his stamina was kind of low that he might fall from a weak blow. "Tell me what exactly happened. I know you keep something from me."

"Nothing, Haneul!" Eric was frustrated, he didn't realize that he was slightly yelling at her. When he did, he flinched, stepping closer to her. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you."

Haneul sighed.

Truthfully, she felt nothing at how Eric responded to her question. She knew he didn't mean it but from his reaction, she was sure that he did keep something from her - a beef between him and Juyeon.

"It's ok.." she said in a brighter tone as she cupped her waist, the wind had moved her hair synchronously with the blow. How bewitched Eric was over this precious sight. "Tell me later when you're ready."

Unknowingly the boy chuckled.

As days passed by, the amount of love for her that he had been keeping for all this while kept increasing, the reasons to fall for her had been continuously listed out until he did not have enough space left inside his brain.

They were too many.

"Hey Haneul," Eric called her name softly, the girl hummed, tucking her baby hair. "If you tell me what happened between you and our friends, I probably will tell you about me and Juyeon."

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