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"Right. You're right. I'll be leaving no matter what you do to prevent it."

Those phrases kept replaying in his head like a broken tape every time he had his eyes closed. Eric smirked through the darkness, amused by the surprise given by the universe. Even a ghost managed to hurt him this deeply.

"Did something funny cross your mind?"

The voice asking had Eric dropped the smirk, wearing a deadpan expression next. How could he forget where was he right now?

Opening his eyes slowly, greeting the bright ambiance of the room, he met Dr. Han's eyes that seemed shining, probably intriguing to know the reason behind the smile he wore. But, never once did he ever think to tell.

"Nothing," he remarked, slumping back against the comfortable single couch.

There was a faint twitch on the doctor's face. Probably flustered by the attitude given. As far as she remembered, Eric was the first patient of her that was hard to read. All her previous patients normally would be wavered just by a simple question. And Sunwoo was included.

Eric was built differently, she simply thought.

"You know," she mirrored Eric's posture across her, hoping that the boy could get that feeling. The feeling that he could feel comfortable to talk. That the conversation they had right now was a friendly basis and not a business purpose. "These days you seem more brighter than usual. Is there anything you want to share?"

At that, Eric glanced over her shoulder, right at the wall behind her where a drawing was hanging. There was a low wooden cabinet firmly standing against it. On top of the surface, there was a metal tray - cups, sachet of instant coffees, and small spoons filling up the space.

"I guess I'm just happy," he replied, not realizing that he had stretched out a very wide grin on his face. "It's ecstatic - to be in love."

"Oh.." Dr.Han beamed, straightening her posture before she leaned forward, eyes squinted with a teasing smile adorning her pale face. "I see someone has caught your heart. I wonder what she looks like."

Pink hues tinting his cheeks, it was a great struggle to contain the smile. Eric had shifted his gaze on the female doctor when she was showing an interest, but now, he had focused on the same spot again - at the wall.

So, was he needed to describe the love of his life now? Well, if that was the case, he surely did not mind.

"She's... beautiful. That's the outer appearance anyone could see," he paused, his lips twitching to grow the existing smile wider. "She's like the sky."

"Sounds interesting," Dr.Han said, already flipping her notepad to the new blank page. "Can you explain why she is the sky?"

"She knows how to read the air wherever she is. She knows what kind of emotion she needs to portray based on her surroundings. You see, the sky will look so clear, so calm with its blue color during the daytime because of the presence of the sun. But, when it is nighttime, it eventually will turn dark, so that the blinking stars and the shining moon can be viewed prettily."

"Mhm, I understand. So, she-" As Dr.Han broke her gaze from the notes she jotted down to the demeanor across her, she was slightly taken aback that Eric was still looking at the same spot as earlier. The expression on his face was also the same.

She even glanced over to see what had intrigued the boy's attention. But so far nothing out of the ordinary existed. She had been using this room since the first day she started working, almost everything placed inside this room could be remembered.

Well, she probably couldn't see anything there but Eric could. He was staring at Haneul leaning against the cabinet, attentively listening to him describing her.

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