Whats a Piriates favorite letter?

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WC: 721

TW: Gorey images, angst

Remus's pov

I go to flip the page. Reading hurts. I love it, that's the only reason to why I'm doing it, but it hurts. My head hurts, my left eye hurts, my right eye really hurts.  A bad full moon always sucks, I have never really had one this bad though. I have my right eye hidden by a white eye patch. Madam Pomfrey told me that my vision will likely return to normal. Likely. What if it didn't? My left eye hurts from focusing and my head hurts from not having another eye working. It really fucking hurts.

I put down the book and close my eye. The pain mostly stops but I still feel it. Why do I have to live like this. The pain. The wolf. I want it to all go away.

"Remmyyyyy." I hear my boyfriend's voice. God, I love him. I really want him to lay down next to me. Move his arms around me. Tell me that he loves me. Kiss me. 

All of that comes true in a moment. He lays next to me, wraps his arms around me, tells me that he loves me and kisses me. The pain instantly goes away when his lips are attached to mine.

"You look like a sexy pirate." He jokes, moving to lay on top of me.

"Sirius, don't." I snap. People say that that sentence is my signature phrase. 

"Why? I think it's hot. Hey! What is a pirate's favorite letter? I sigh and attempt to roll my eyes. I love him so much, but he can be so annoying.

"Sirius." I hiss.

"The C of course!" He laughs. He quickly notices my irritated look. " Why the sour look, Moony? Think I was about to say Arrrr!" He laughs again.

"Sirius, stop." 

"Why? Are you afraid to laugh your booty off?" He bursts out laughing this time. I really can't take this. I push him off me and stand up.

"Sirius, can you not take anything fucking serious?" I quickly realize my mistake. "Never fucking mind. Don't say it, I'm just going to leave." He giggles at first but immediately stops when I start leaving.

"Aw, don't leave me Moons. I was just trying to make you feel better."

"Well, I don't feel better. I feel worse in fact! I'm in pain, Sirius, jokes won't make that better." His face drops. I can tell that he is about to cry, his lip quivers and his eyebrows tremble. I feel bad, I hadn't yelled but being told off in any way always makes him upset. I sigh and walk over to him, pulling him into my arms.

"Siri, I love you, Ok? I just don't want jokes right now. You know what I do want? Hugs, kisses, cuddles. Can we just do that?" I calmly ask. I make sure to be careful with my words. I don't want him to be upset. I feel him nod against my chest. He looks up at me, stands on his toes and kisses me. I smile. 

We lay together in bed. I lay on his stomach, and he has his legs around me and his hands in my hair. I hear a small sigh and look up. I fully expect to see a little pout but instead I see a smile. "What?" I ask. I don't know rather to be worried or happy. "You're being all cute and clingy." He giggles, leaning down to brush his nose against mine. I laugh, then he does. Then we are both laughing. His hands glide down my back and I tighten my grip around him. I don't even realize when his lips meet mine. The kiss is deep and kind, like it could continue forever. 

Finally, after a long time, we separate. He begins laughing first, then I do. I go back to laying my head on his chest with my arms tightly wrapped around him. "I love you, Moons." I hear him whisper. I smile into his chest and bury my nose deeper into his skin, memorizing his smell even though I have already memorized it. "I love you too." I speak into his chest. I can hear him smile. I smile. We just lay on each other, smiling like the complete fools we are.

"Siri?" I ask.

"Hm?" He hums.

"I liked the joke."

"It's good, isn't it?" 


I don't like this one, but I had an idea so now its published.

I hope you're having a wonderful timezone and remember to take care of yourself, you amazing being! Thank you so very much for reading! <3

Wolfstar oneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora