Hot Chocolate, Cuddles and Kisses

396 7 3

Word count: 982

Tw: gory images

Sirius's pov

I walk downstairs to the common rooms. I went a whole 2 hours without seeing my lovely boyfriend and honestly that was too long. Like, way too long. I carefully slid my feet from step to step, making sure to be as quiet as possible. If Remus is reading -or even better, asleep- I don't want to bother him. He is recovering from a nasty full moon. He mangled his leg pretty badly, so the cane is back out. He is pretty disappointed about that since he just got told that he didn't need it a few months ago. 

I get to the last step, finally being able to see the handsome man on the sofa. He holds a book in his hands. He looks very stiff; it makes me want to cry. The amazing, beautiful man that somehow ended up as my boyfriend is in so much pain. I would take it from him in an instant. All of it. Every last scar and full moon. Every single injury he has ever had. I would take it straight away and hide it. Hide it deep down so he can never try to take it away. 

His leg seems better than earlier. I know it isn't though. His entire lower leg and foot were broken and twisted. Madam Pomfrey healed it the best she could, meaning the bone is better and any skin missing was stitched up. The pain is still worse than ever though. He can hardly put pressure on it without wincing, hence the cane. 

I walk over to him on the couch. He looks up from his book to see me. I carefully hold his shoulder and lean in to kiss him. Gently pressing my lips against his. He holds my cheek, weakly. I pull away and leave him on the couch. I feel his gaze as I walk to the kitchen. Taking two mugs from the cabinet and filling them with hot water.

"Remember what Lily said." I tell myself as I begin mixing in hot chocolate mix. Lily is an expert at making basically anything. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate. Basically, anything important.   

Finishing the hot chocolate, I walk back over to my boyfriend. I put one mug on the side table next to him and the other I take with me. I carefully sit next to the pretty boy on the couch. Holding the hot mug in both hands, I slowly take a sip of mine as he takes one of his. He grabs a scrap of paper and places it between the delicate pages, then shuts the book. Placing it on the side table, next to the hot chocolate. 

He puts his arm around me, and I snuggle into him. I make sure not to hurt him but still not treat him like some delicate piece of China. I know he hates that. I wrap my arms around his waist. He knows how much I love cuddles. They are one of my favorite things. Ever. Sometimes he gets annoyed when I interrupt his reading for cuddles, but luckily for me, today doesn't seem like one of those times.

"I'm so sorry, baby." I whisper. He knows what I am talking about. I know he knows. "I'm so, so sorry. I would take it from you every second." I continue. He laughs quietly. I know it must hurt him a bit.

"I would take it back from you." He retorts.

"Then I would take it back again." I sass.

"Then we can give it to James, then we are both happy." He smiles.

"No, not James. Someone else." I think about who it would be.


"My mom." I finally find a suiting response. 

He laughs a bit. I reach up to hold his face. I pull it down a bit and kiss his scars. Each one on his face. Three on his cheek, two on the other. One that's half hidden by his fluffy hair. Two on his nose. One going over his left eyebrow. My favorite one on his lips.

"What was that for?" He asks as I finish. I smile, bringing our faces back together. We just sit there, our faces inches away from each other's. Our noses rubbing together softly. I giggle, I love how gentle the man before me was acting even though he is the one who can genuinely not walk by himself. 

"I love your scars." I reply. He tries compressing a smile but fails. I quickly peck his lips and pull away. He goes in for another, I let him. His soft lips working against mine. I love him so much. He seems so gentle with the kiss, like I'm the one who has to transform into a werewolf once a month.

 He continues to kiss me, I let him. He loves kisses about as much as I love hugs. I feel him bite down on my lower lip before he finally pulls away. 

"I love you." He looks me in the eyes as he says these words.

"I love you too, baby, so much." I tell him. His hazel eyes are so beautiful, I could watch them all day.

He takes my face in his hands again as he leans into my lips. Slowly kissing, our lips tender and gentle, like the other could fall to pieces if we were only a tiny bit harsh.

 We don't notice until later, but the first snow of the year begins as we sit together on the couch. The soft, cold flakes stick to the window, biting it with it's cold. We are not cold, though. We have the warm fire in front of us and each other in our arms. Our lips stay together, our bodies huddled, our love strong.

I forgot to finish this a while ago, so here it is now. I think it is cute.

I hope you are having a wonderful timezone and remember to take care of yourself, you amazing being! Thank you so much for reading! <333

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