Quidditch Afterparty pt2

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Thank you Daisyroes33 for the suggestion!


Word count:

Sirius's pov

I woke up with a massive headache. My back hurt as well. I looked around me to see how I had fell asleep in a chair in the library. That would explain the back pain. But why was I in the library? I was alone so I couldn't have come here with anyone. I couldn't remember a thing. Damn, how much did I drink last night.

I began getting up out of the chair. I walked out of the library to see James. "Hey man, you look like shit." I glared at him. My hangover too strong to deal with his shit. "Why the fuck are you in the library?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders and left. He ran after "Wait, did you and Moony actually hook up last night?" I stopped in my tracks. "I hooked up with Moony?" I asked. "I don't know, I just heard that you kissed then disappeared." I shook my head, a sharp pain running through my head. "I am never drinking again." He laughed before saying "We both know that's not true." I glared at him. "Me and Moony might have hooked up and I wouldn't remember that! Prongs I hate this shit. Where is Moony?" He pointed towards the commons. "Last time I saw him he was in the commons." I nodded and began walking up to the commons.

I opened the door and walked into the commons. "Damn Sirius, you look like shit!" Mary yelled from the stairs. "Thanks Mary, I needed to hear that." I sarcastically replied. Remus was reading a book next to the fire. He was sitting in his favorite chair. "Moony." I whined sitting down on the floor next to the chair. "What?" he asked, a little bit of bitterness was caught in his tone. "Are you okay? What happened last night? I heard that we-" He cut me off "No we didn't, yes I'm okay, you were very drunk." His voice stayed very monotoned and somewhat angered. "What happened?" He shook his head and turned the page of his book.

"You guys hooked up, didn't you?" Mary said, walking towards us with a cup of tea in her hand. Moony looked absolutely pissed at that. "We didn't hook up, stop saying that we did." He said blankly, putting down his book to give Mary a death stare. "Oh sorry, everyone thinks you hooked up since you kissed then disappeared." We had kissed. Wait didn't James say that? I can't believe I won't remember mine and Moony's first kiss! Our last probably as well. He seems pretty mad that people think we hooked up and saw us kiss.

"We kissed?" I asked quietly, less of a question but a statement of shock. I looked up at him for an explanation. "Yeah Pads, we were dancing, and you kissed me." I looked up at him, wide eyed. I had kissed him. He probably hated it. Does he know I like him now? "I'm sorry, Moony, I'm so sorry." I began tearing up a bit, but I pushed the tears back. "Oooh, drama" Mary said. Remus stood up and motioned for me to go up to the dorms for a bit.

We sat together on my bed. It was silent and quite awkward. I couldn't take the awkwardness anymore. I finally said something. I didn't think before sating it, but I did. "I'm so sorry Moony, but I like you. No, I'm in love with you. I didn't mean to make things weird, and you probably hate me now. I'm so sorry Moony." He smiled to himself. "Don't be Pads, I like you too. You wanted to hook up last night, I think at least, but you were too drunk. I only didn't want to kiss you because you were drunk. I didn't want to take advantage of you, or for you to wake up this morning and regret everything. I don't want that."

He actually liked me back. Am I dreaming? I pinched myself on the arm and he laughed. He opened his mouth to say something but before he could I hugged him. He fell back by surprise and laughed a bit. We were laying back on the bed with our arms wrapped around each other. "Just to let you know, I wouldn't have regretted anything." I whispered to him. He turned his head to mine. "You wouldn't?" "I wouldn't" I assured him. "In fact, I would like it if you kissed me again." He smiled, leaning closer to my face before our lips met. We just laid there kissing for a minute before pulling away. "Sirius, would you be my boyfriend?" I swear to Merlin, that was the best thing I have ever heard. "Nothing would make me happier." I said, trying to sound calm while internally jumping around and screaming. I pulled him in again, kissing him.

After pulling away, I noticed a hickey on his neck. "Was that me or...?" He nodded his head before pulling me in for a third kiss.

AGHHHHH this is so fucking cute omg. Thank you for the suggestion Daisyroes33! Ofc all suggestions and requests are welcome!

I hope you have a wonderful day/night/evening/whatever timezone it is for you, and go take care of yourself you beautiful, amazing, perfect human being. Thank you so much for reading! <3

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