Mr. Sirius Lupin

788 6 7

Word count: 347

TW: None

Remus's Pov

"We were out on a walk to the beach to watch the sunset when he went behind me. I turned around and he was on one knee and had a beautiful, shiny ring." Sirius told the story to our friends for what had to be the 1000th time. "I obviously said 'yes'" He continued. "Don't forget how you were instantly crying." I pointed out to everyone. "Who wouldn't be crying! I'm going to get married to my soulmate!"

---Time Skip----

Me and Sirius where in our bedroom. We were talking about wedding ideas even though the wedding probably wouldn't be for another year. "I call James as my brides' maid!" Sirius declared. I laughed a little but remained silent knowing he probably has more to say. "What about you? probably lily, right? Then we can make them go down the aisle together."  James would love that, and Lily is my best friend. "Yea probably Lily" His smirk only meant bad things for poor lily. "No, whatever it is, no" He giggled and nodded. I laughed as well, shaking my head "No, no, no" He looked straight into my eyes, his sparkled with the mischievous look that he couldn't hold back. 

"We should make James and Lily wear matching dresses" I began shaking my head but as his words began sinking in, I thought about it. "Thats a great idea actually" He smirked. "I know, most of my ideas are great."

He moved from the foot of the bed where he was sitting, up to the head where I was. He laid his head down on my chest and wrapped his arms around me. " I'm going to be Sirius Lupin." He whispered. I smiled and looked down at him. " I love you Sirius Lupin" He beamed with the usage of his new name. "I love you more" He replied as we both snuggled deeper into the pillows and closer to each other. We drifted off to sleep in each other's arms. 

The moonlight peaked into the room and hit Sirius's ring. Shining brightly on his finger.

Hello! How are you guys? I'm still questioning whether or not I should write smut, so for now I'm probably going to stick with short fluffy oneshots until I either do or don't write it.

Hope you're having a wonderful Day/Night/Evening/Morning! Drink some water, go talk to people, and of course remember you are amazing! <3

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