Are we?

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omg I'm actually doing a bit of angst no way

word count: 519

tw: Idk if I should put swearing on here bc I haven't in the past so just expect swearing, angst and sadness

Remus's pov

We sat together on our bed. He had tears running down his cheek, but I didn't dare wipe them away even though I really wanted to. He deserved to be crying. He deserved me to break up with him right now. I couldn't think straight, I had to try with every inch of me to not burst into tears. 

"I'm sorry, Moony, please forgive me, please" He sobbed "I didn't mean for it to happen, please." I couldn't say anything. I couldn't do anything. My world revolves around him, and this is how he repay me. Fucking cheating on me?

"I was drunk, Moony please" He begged. The numbness spread from my head to my heart to every other inch of me. He let some other man do what only I could do to him. One of the tears I was trying so hard to keep hidden away escaped and rolled down my cheek.

"Moony" He whispered (Omg I actually just started crying this sucks) I shook my head. I couldn't push a word far enough to go past my lips. The number of times I have kissed him with them. I felt disgusted. He was my first kiss and I always planned on him being my last. I never needed anybody but him but apparently, he needs more than just me. That made me notice it. I finally knew what to say.

"No" I said shaking my head. Three more tears followed the first as I could no longer hold up their barrier.

"What?" Sirius asked. His sobs temporarily paused to let out the word.

"No, Sirius, no" I said getting up and grabbing my coat, phone, wand and keys. I opened our bedroom door, and I walked out without looking back. I couldn't look back. I looked straight ahead of me and left the house. Our house. 

"Moony, no, please! I didn't mean to, please forgive me!" He shouted running after me. "Remus you're all I have please!" I turned around, revealing my tear-soaked face and red, puffy eyes. "No, I'm not. I love you Sirius, but I can't be with you if you can't -at very least- not cheat on me." I began to raise my voice. I unlocked the door to my car and began climbing in. "Please Moony, I love you! I would never do that on purpose, please. I need you Moony, we can work through this! We are worth fighting for, don't leave me please!" He was screaming. That was my best friend. That was my boyfriend. I didn't want to say it, but I needed to. " Are we?"

I closed the door and started the car. I drove to Lily and James's place. Maybe they would let me stay there for a bit.


I was crying writing this. maybe I should write pt 2 where they resolve it. idk but I liked writing this so maybe I will start writing more angst. Idk how do yall feel about that.

have a wonderful day/night/evening/whatever it is for you, as always take care of yourself and remember how important you are. Thank you so much for reading! <3

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