Page 218

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Word count: 753

TW: none

Regulas's pov

I saw you again today. I feel like I'm forbidden to stare, even though I really want to. Your brown skin, messy hair, gorgeous brown eyes. I want you. You are perfect in every last way. I hate the torture of seeing you, yet I want it more. I know that to you I'm nothing but your best friend's little brother. I know that. Yet every last 11:11, every shooting star, every birthday candle I get, I wish for you to be mine. Every breathe I have; every beat of my heart is all for you. I love you so much. I know it couldn't ever happen, you have Evans and Sirius would never allow it. Yet I won't let go of this "Silly little crush." I won't. I never will. It matters to much-you matter to much. Your beautiful personality with a matching smile. My Merlin, I love that smile. Never a moment will pass, and that smile won't be on my mind. You are always on my mind. That sounds creepy, but it's true. You are always on my mind.

I love you, James Fleamont Potter. I love you so fucking much.

I let my pencil drop onto the desk. Closing up my notebook, I skim through every other poem I have written about James. There is a lot. 218 to be exact. 218. Damn, maybe Dora was right. Maybe I am obsessed. He is amazing though. If I were to be obsessed with anything, it would be him. Though, is it an obsession if I have a chance? Cas is dating Marlene, one of Sirius and James's friends a year above us. Marlene wasn't her brother's best friend though or dating anyone else. I envy Evans. I won't admit that often, but I do. I envy her. James loves her so much. I can't believe she has rejected him so many times. She constantly bullies him, never admitting her feelings but still making sure he knows that she loves him. Actually, I admire that. Never mind. I still envy her though. I want James to love me the way he loves her. 

"Reggie?" I hear Dora's sweet voice. They knock on the door. I heave myself off of the chair and take myself to the door.

"Yes?" I ask. They smile at me. Their blonde hair is tied back in twin braids. Every day, the first thing I notice about them is their hair. They wear it different every day. Yesterday it was pigtails. The day before it was a messy bun with a bunch of different colored clips.

"What are you doing?" They ask. They rock on their feet. I can tell that they are worried, they only do that when they are worried. 

"Nothing." I reply sheepishly. They know what that means. They carefully push me out of the way and walking toward the wooden desk. They pick up the notebook and flips through the pages. Each white sheet is filled with words. All of those words have something to do with James. She gets to page 218. One of the last couple pages. I should get a new notebook. 

"Reg..." They start reading the page. I feel like it takes them forever for their soft brown eyes to get to the last sentence. 

"Reg, you have to get over him. He has a girlfriend. I know it's difficult, but I can't watch this for much longer." They tell me. They put the notebook down and walk over to me. Pulling me into a soft hug, their eyes seem glossy. 

"Dora, I can't." I tell them. Their head rests on my shoulder with our arms around each other. They give the best hugs. I have never been a big fan of hugs, but they are an exception.

"Regulas Arcturus Black. Please try. For me." They look at me. Their eyes serious (Sirius). I nod my head slightly and pull away. I know getting over James is not something I can do. I don't want to let Dora down, though. I love Dora so much, but James is someone I can never get over.

"Ok, Cas, Evan and I will be downstairs. Let us know if you need anything." They tell me before turning to leave the room.

"Where is Barty, then?" I ask right before they shut the door.

"No fucking clue." They smile before leaving. Shit.

"Barty?" I ask the so-called empty room.

"So, who is it?" asks the annoying voice coming from his bed.

"I hope you burn in hell." 

"We already know that I will."

That is the most Jegulas I will ever write. Maybe more of little baby Reggie crushing on his older brother's best friend in the future, but don't expect it.

I hope you are having a wonderful timezone and remember to take care of yourself you amazing being! Thank you so much for reading!! <333

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