
451 5 0

Word count: 304

Tw: none

Sirius's pov

"Shit!" I yell as the cup of water falls off the table. Harry was playing with something at the counter right next to me. He definitely heard me. Remus glared at me from the sofa. He put down his book to watch this unfold. I know he is going to snap at me the second that James leaves with Harry. 

Harry had a mischievous look in his eyes. Looking up from his toys, he grinned ear to ear.

"Shit!" He giggled. I began shaking my head fast. "No, no, no, Harry we don't say that." His goofy grin only grew, knowing that he ow knows something he shouldn't. 

"Shit! Shit, shit, shit!" He began chanting it like a nursery rhyme. James is going to kill me. I'm going to be dead. Oh Merlin.

"No, Harry. Fuck, your dads going to kill me." My eyes widen "Sirius!" Remus yells my name. Harry's eyes glimmered and his grin somehow became even more mischievous. 

"No, Harry, don't you dare." I stare him down and Remus gets up to watch it unfold, ready to step in if necessary. 

"Fuck!" He squeals. "No! Not that!" I yell.

"Fuck, shit, shitty fuck, fucky shit! (This had me rolling on the ground dying)" I was beyond terrified at this point. Had I just corrupted my godson?

"We don't say those words, Harry, they are not nice. They make people sad." Remus steps in. "Fuck!" Harry said again. Quite proud of himself. Remus removed his gaze from the 5-year-old to look at me. "Pads, you've ruined his innocence, what are you going to tell James?" He asks me. I begin panicking. Sweat forming on my forehead. 

I begin pacing when I remember the spiled water. I slip and fall on the hard floor, landing on my ass. "What the hell, bitch!" I yell towards the puddle of water that I had fallen into.

Harry smiles again. "Bitch!"

Helloooo!! I'm sorry I haven't been writing a lot. I'm running dry on ideas, I'm left with recreating a bunch of incorrect quotes from Pinterest T-T.

I hope you're having a wonderful timezone and remember to take care of yourself! Go talk to your friends or family! And thank you so much for reading <3

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