Clingy challenge

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This is inspired by mymoonystar 's Wolfstar oneshots.

Word count: 1236 big one today friends

TW: Not completely about wolfstar 

Peter's pov (A little different)

It was way too late to be up, yet I was. Sirius and James made me stay up. Remus and Lily had gone to sleep as well as Dorcas. Evan and Barty left a while ago with poor Regulas. Barty and Evan where always pushing him around.

"I miss Moonyyyy." Sirius whined. I roll my eye's, knowing Remus is the only thing he is capable of talking about.

"Yea and I miss Lily." James whined after him. Marlene goes to get up.

"Unlike all your dumbasses I might just go get my girlfriend." She begins walking away before a lightbulb goes off in Mary's brain. You can always tell when she has an idea because she will smile this wide, goofy smile and her happy brown eyes become bigger (Idk why but I hc Peter with either having a crush on Mary or Dora so do with that what you want). She grabs Marlenes wrist and pulls her back down.

"I have an idea!" She giggles. I smile, seeing her happy. 

"What if we bet on who can go the longest without seeing their partner?" She asks. "Singles vs couples, Remus, Lily and Dorcas don't know about it. Whoever goes the longest wins. Rules are not touching, no direct talking, no notes or any other type of communication" Marlene, Sirius and James's eyes widen, and their jaws drop. They immediately begin shaking their heads. I nod mine, wanting to see what happens and so does Dora and Mary. 

"No." Sirius says shaking his head harder. I dig through my pockets for a few galleons, putting them in the middle. 

"I would say..." I trail off. I look between the three, thinking. "This is difficult, they are all very clingy." 

"Thats what we will call it!" Mary jumps in. "The Clingy Competitions!" She takes some galleons out of a pouch that she had in her pocket.

"I bet Marlene." She speaks. Marlene gets a little excited seeing how somebody had bet that she could win.

Pandora takes some money out and bets on James. "He is smart enough to do it." She says, making both Sirius and Marlene open their mouths to argue. 

"I will bet Sirius then, I was going to bet on him anyway, so I guess this worked out." He grins at me before realizing that he won't be able to see Remus at all. 

"Can I not do it?" He asks. Mary shakes her head as I shake mine. "That would be letting down Pete! You don't want to do that, do you?" Sirius gives her one of the nastiest of nasty looks before backing down.

----------------------------------Time skip (Name him) ---------------------------

Marlenes' Pov

I can do this. I know I can. I can't let down Mary like that. That would be like treason or something. It was a day after the bet, and I haven't even seen Dorcas yet. It's quite helpful that she isn't in the same house, unlike Remus and Sirius and James and Lily.

Just as I was thinking that I saw her. She came up to me to say something. I couldn't talk to her. But it's not like anyone is watching. I look up from my feet and see her. I can't do this.

"So do you want to come to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" She asks. I nod my head before looking back down at my feet. I can't look at her or else I won't be able to do this. Think about Mary and how sad she will be to have lost five galleons. She will be so sad. 

"Are you okay, Babe? Is something wrong?" She asks, lifting my chin up so our eyes meet. As soon as we made eye contact, I was fucked. She moved her hand to my cheek which she knows always gets me flustered. I give up. Mary can suck it. I'm not going to ignore my girlfriend for anything.

She grabs my face slightly harsher, pulling me down a bit for a kiss. I don't move away. She kisses me and I kiss her back. Pulling away I notice Mary and Peter. Shit.

"You losttttt!" Screams Mary. She yells it so loud that most of the castle could likely hear. Dorcas looks at her confused. Mary laughs and begins explaining the bet while I stand there shamefully.

----------------------------------------Time skip (Name him too please) -------------------

Sirius's Pov

This sucks. I hate Mary for this. I just want to cuddle My Moony. Is that so wrong? I huff and flop down onto the sofa. Just as I do, he walks in. 

"What's wrong?" He asks. I want to cry by just seeing his beautiful face and hearing his sexy voice. He sits down in his usual seat and gets out a book. He waits for a response that I can't give him. He shrugs and flips through his book before finding his page and beginning to read. Thats when I realize this isn't a 'I want to cry' situation, but it's a 'I'm about to cry' one. Fuck, I can't cry right now. Think about happy things like rainbows and unicorns. Never mind, fuck that I need my Moony.

Tears begin piling in my eyes before the suddenly let themselves free. Remus looks over at me and immediately puts his book down and runs to my side. He wraps his arms around me and talks to me in his soft voice. "It's ok, you're ok. What's wrong baby?" he asks. I melt into his hug and wrap my own arms around him. I nuzzle my face into his chest and push him backwards so I'm on top of him. 

We just sit there for a bit before I eventually get off of him. "Sorry..." I apologize. He shakes his head before sitting next to me. I climb into his lap and wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He kisses me quickly before kissing me again. I pull back and bury my head in his neck.

"You loseeeee!" Yells Mary. She had appeared from basically thin air with Peter by her side. I shake my head into Remus's shoulder, indicating that he does not ask about it and we just ignore it. He gets the hint because he doesn't do anything but hold onto me tighter, like he is afraid these people would hurt me or take me away. I don't really care that I had lost since I had my Moony with me and he would never leave me.

--------Short time skip-----

Pandora's Pov

I collect the money from everyone and look at James. He looks so excited. I smile at him.

"Thank you, James! You may now go see Lily if you would like!" I speak. He smiles widely and scurries away. 

"James!" I can hear Lily yell, followed by a loud thud. I run to the noise, quite worried. I open the door to the girls' dorms to see Lily laying on the floor with James on top of her, smothering her with kisses. I giggle before leaving. I'm going to let them have their alone time.

This is so cuteeeeeee. I love this so much!!! Also, I am so sorry for disappearing for a week. I have many ideas but no time to actually make them since school just started for me. Anyway, how obvious is it that I'm an American that doesn't know any British words?

I hope you're having a wonderful -insert timezone- and remember to take care of yourself! Drink some water, you actually can't live off of soda and energy drinks. Thank you so much for reading! <3

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