
385 3 5

word count: 626

Tw: stupidity

Sirius's pov

I sat in a circle with my friends. It was weekly game night. Today Peter "couldn't find Monopoly" so we obviously can't play that. Fair to him though, last time it irrupted in three fist fights, an unnecessary amount of kissing -Lily, you can't pay off debt in real life by kissing James, by the way-, a fire, and Barty taking off half his clothes.

 Barty, Evan, Dorcas and Marlene weren't here tonight. I don't know why. They just aren't. Regulas hardly ever comes to these since apparently its "fucking stupid" and Mary was finishing a far overdue essay. So, we only have half the people we normally do. 

The cards of some random card game had been thrown down by half the people. Lily was in James's lap as they flirted and kissed. Both of their cards had been thrown down into a messy pile. Pandora still had her cards in her hand but seemed to be preoccupied with Peters constant flirting. Everyone knows that he likes her, he is just too much of a pussy to actually ask her out. (If you don't know, I hc Peter as liking either Dora or Mary. Please tell me which you like more, I'm torn.) Peters' cards had been carefully stacked before him. That left everyone but me and Remus. 

I turn to him. "Truth or dare?" I ask, trying to stray away from whatever the fuck was currently going on. He looks a bit confused at first but eventually answers. "Truth." I think for a minute. I didn't have anything actually planned. Honestly, if he would have picked dare, I would've just have made him slap James. He only picks dare when he doesn't want to answer questions. Makes sense since I only ever dare him to do one thing. Which is slap James. 

"What's your type?" I finally ask. I have been wondering the answer to this question for a while because I might possibly, slightly, hardly, maybe, kind of, sort of, have an itsy bitsy, teeny tiny crush on him maybe. I try holding back my blush, but I have always struggled with that. People say that it's because I'm bad at hiding my emotions, but I think it's because I'm pale.

"Long black hair, Gray eyes, light complexion, short, Quidditch player, Dumb." He quickly answers. I laugh a bit. 

"I have long black hair!" I immediately notice and exclaim. "And gray eyes..." I notice Remus grinning a bit. "And I'm pale." A part of me gets excited, maybe he likes me! That part quickly shuts down. He is straight and I'm not dumb. Plus, I'm not even that short. "Moony, this sounds a lot like me! If only I was a girl." I laugh. I didn't notice how awkward saying that might be until after I said it. 

"Did I mention dumb?" He asks. I immediately nod my head. I don't get why he needs to ask that. He probably thought he forgot that one.

"Ok, just checking." He laughs and turns back to the game "Ok, Lily, get off of James. Pete, leave poor Dora alone. Let's play this game know." He herds them back into a circle and plays his card. We go on and spend the rest of the night playing rounds of Go Fish and other games. I wanted to play Who Can Fit the Most Cards in Their Mouth But nobody else liked that idea -aside James, who according to Remus "James doesn't count as a vote, you two share a braincell and you need a separate one to vote."- otherwise the night was fun as always. Maybe next time the others will join us. Or Peter will find Monopoly! He should find Monopoly. 

Hello!! I like this one. What do you think? I'm once again sorry that I'm not uploading as much, I'm quite busy with school right now. Don't worry though, I have a really smutty one in my drafts that I'm working on right now.

I hope you're having a wonderful timezone, remember to take care of yourself you amazing, beautiful human being, and thank you so much for reading! <333

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