Sirius Lupin and her family

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pt 3 of Mr. Sirius Lupin

word count: 462


Sirius's pov

I woke up to my husband getting ready for work, as usual. He always wakes up unreasonably early. He always says it's to "Get an early start of the day" but I'm yet to figure out what that actually means.

I whine a bit to let him know that I'm awake. He walks over to our unmade bed and kissed my forehead gently. "Goodmorning honey." he said. I could smell the mint on his breath. I whine again. I don't want him to leave. I wrap my tired arms around him and pull him down to cuddle. "Pads, I have work." He laughs a bit while trying to escape my grip. I don't let him go. I don't want him to go. "Sirius." He stops laughing. siriusness detected in his tone. I whine but let him go. 

"What are your pronouns today?" He asks, getting of the bed to look in the mirror and tie his tie. "She/her" I grumble getting out of bed. I walk to the mirror and hug the beautiful man standing in front of it. I turn him around to help him tie it even though he knows how to. 

Suddenly I hear a familiar cry that makes my heart jump every time I hear it. I quickly kiss Remus on his cheek before leaving the room to go into the nursery. I walk to the crib to see her. The beautiful baby girl that my world revolves around.

"Good morning, Selene" I cooed to her. I brushed her fiery red hair out of her face. She got the red hair from Lily. She is a surrogacy baby. We didn't think that she would get the red hair but boy, were we wrong. The hair is the only thing about her that looks like Lily though. She basically looks like a miniature, female Remus. Tan skin, a few freckles, beautiful caramel eyes. 

I picked her up and took her downstairs. Putting her in her highchair, Remus rushed into the kitchen to make himself breakfast. He quickly kissed Selene on her head. I began making her breakfast by cutting up some strawberries and apples. I held a strawberry in front of her to have her grab it. 

Soon her big smile is covered with strawberry juice. I take a paper towel to wipe it off of her face and she giggles. Remus comes over and kisses me. "Have a good day honey" he says before kissing Selene on the top of her head and leaving. 

I pick her up out of her chair and bring her to the living room. I sit down on the couch and hold her in my lap. We just sit there and cuddle for the rest of the morning.

I don't like this one.

I didn't know where I was going with it but I think Selene is cute at least.

I hope you're having a wonderful timezone and remember to take care of yourself you wonderful being. <3

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