★ Faint

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America slammed his head on his desk, barely wincing at the pain.

He looked around his desk in anguish, the piling papers and seemingly never-ending to-do lists. He couldn't focus with all the things going on- his headache, drooping eyes, stiff muscles, hunger, and his wavering focus. He felt a bit warm and sniffled a bit.

Alfred's sleep schedule was horrible, and set to get worse. He yawned, tears forming in his eyes from the exhaustion. Glancing at the clock, it read 3:13 AM. God, he should probably sleep.

No, he should probably finish all his work.

After sitting up and stretching, while nearly toppling over, America tried to sit up straight and sort all the documents he had out. Once he was done, he picked up a stack and started working.

Scanning through a page, he realized he had to call England to address some points on the document.

It should be around 8 AM, and Iggy's definitely awake by then.

Grabbing his phone, he pulled up Arthur's contact and called the number.

"Alfred? Are you alright!?"

"Just fine, dude. Are you free? I need to talk about one of the papers that we were discussing last meeting."

"I was in the midst of a meeting in which everyone had started arguing... however, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it 3 in the morning for you??"

"Yeah, man, I'm just getting my work done. So, talk later?"

There was some shifting and movement on England's side.

"You bloody arse, go to bed! You should not be awake at this time! It's unhealthy! You need to-"

"Bro! Chill... I'll sleep later. I just need to talk to you when you're free."

"Alfred, you better get some rest right this moment. Otherwise, I will not hesitate in coming over with your brother to make you sleep."

"Hey, weren't you in the middle of a meeting?"

"You prick, don't try and wave me off! I am going to come over if-"

Alfred didn't even realize what was happening until it happened.

The phone slipped from his hand, crashed to the ground, and suddenly his legs started giving out and he felt himself going down down down, unable to stop it. His eyes closed, and he fell abruptly on his office carpet.


Silence greeted England.

"I'm sending your brother over."
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America - Alfred F Jones
England - Arthur Kirkland
Canada (America's brother) - Matthew Williams

This oneshot was a bit different from my usual style (with Alfred passing out) but still fun nonetheless.

England seems overly reliant on Canada, and that's due to how Canada is closer and would be able to reach Alfred a lot quicker than England would, being in Europe. As a family or just being so close, they'd all drop everything to go and help the other in a bad situation- most of the time.

I've got SO MANY oneshot ideas, and I can't wait for you to see them! Obviously, gotta write them first.

Left you at a cliffhanger. Let me know if you want a part 2!

Requests on chapter 1!
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Random America Oneshots ★ Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя