★ Slang

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"Dude, that's cap." Alfred said, peering over Matthew's shoulder who was showing Francis and Arthur a video about a purple orange on his phone.

"It looks cap, but it seems real at the same time." Matthew shrugged.

"It has to be cap. They must've painted it." Alfred reasoned.

"I don't see any caps in here?" Francis raised an eyebrow.

"Cap means lie. It's slang!" Matthew said.

"This bloody generation, ruining the English language..." Arthur put his head in his hands.

"Actually, you're late to the trend, boomer." Alfred smirked, and Matthew burst out laughing.

Arthur scowled. "I'm always trendy! And what does boomer mean?"

Matthew burst out laughing again, and Alfred tried to hold in a giggle.

Francis was quick to google it. "Boomer is an elderly person, regardless of generation..."

"I AM NOT OLD!" Arthur yelled, succeeding in gathering attention from other countries around them.

"Cap," Matthew said.

"Double cap," Alfred followed.

"Did you guys call him a boomer?" Kiku raised an eyebrow.

"It's not cap." Matthew responded.

"IT IS CAP!" Arthur yelled, a clear British accent audible.

Matthew and Alfred burst out laughing, Francis and some other countries chuckled.

"Don't worry, we stan boomers." Kiku said.

Alfred started laughing even harder.

"STAN???" Arthur screamed yet again.

"Nah bro, boomers hit different." Matthew chuckled.

"No- cap-" Alfred wheezed.

"What tea's being spilled around here?" South Korea walked over.

"Tea?! BEING SPILLED?!" Arthur's eyes widened and looked around in panic.

"Just Iggy here, unable to admit to being a boomer. But he is. We already knew that though, so nothing spilled." Alfred explained.

"Aww man, I really wanted some tea." South Korea smiled.

"Maybe another time, but this discussion is still fire."

"WHERE IN THE BLOODY FIRES-" Arthur yelled, and just collapsed into a nearby chair.

"Fam, this man is getting canceled."

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America - Alfred F Jones
England - Arthur Kirkland
France - Francis Bonnefoy
Germany - Ludwig Beilschmidt
Italy - Feliciano Vergas
Spain - Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
Canada - Matthew Williams
Russia - Ivan Braginsky
China - Wang Yao
Japan - Honda Kiku
Prussia - Gilbert Beilschmidt
...and many more! Google names you don't know.

I'm aware that some of the slang in this may be misused or the grammar may be incorrect, but it's all to piss off Iggy!
Oops, I died... for a while!!! Guess what, I'm back, badder than ever! Actually not really. I have a bunch of shows and performances coming up, but I'll be back to more often chapters (maybe even a new book!) by June, hopefully! Really sorry for the inactivity. Feel free to ask any questions!

Requests on chapter 1!
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