Episode 39: Attack

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Episode 39: Attack...

Author POV:

As the armed intruders surrounded the room, tension hung heavy in the air. The family and their newfound allies were outnumbered and outgunned. The harsh reality of their situation settled in, and they knew that their battle against the criminal organization had just taken a deadly turn.

The leader of the armed group, a tall man in a tailored suit with a cold, calculating expression, stepped forward. "Yuri Kim," he sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "We've been searching for you for a long time."

Yuri, her fear masked by determination, stood her ground. "I won't go back to that life, and I won't let you harm my family."

Se-Hyung, Se-Hyun, Hyung-Shik, and Hye-Shik, the four brothers who had grown up believing their mother had abandoned them, found themselves facing the harsh reality that she had left to protect them from this very world. Anger and confusion still burned within them, but the immediate threat before them pushed those emotions aside.

Kim Sunghoon, his eyes filled with resolve, whispered to Yuri, "We'll get through this together."

Y/n, who had been holding the gun, knew that they had to act fast. She whispered to Namjoon and the Kim brothers, "We need a plan, and we need it now."

Namjoon nodded, his mind racing. "First, we need to secure the room. Se-Hyung, Se-Hyun, Hyung-Shik, Hye-Shik, help us barricade the doors. Y/n, you and I will create a distraction while the Kims and Yuri find a way out of here."

The brothers nodded in agreement, moving quickly to barricade the doors with whatever furniture they could find. Meanwhile, Namjoon and Y/n searched for anything that could be used as a makeshift weapon. In a room filled with tension and uncertainty, they needed to buy some time.

The leader of the intruders, growing impatient, shouted, "Yuri Kim, you can't hide forever. We know you're weak without your precious sons. Surrender now, and maybe we'll let them live."

Yuri clenched her fists, determination in her eyes. She refused to let her sons or anyone else be hurt because of her past mistakes.

As the barricades were hastily assembled, the room's occupants could hear the footsteps of the intruders closing in. Time was running out.

Namjoon and Y/n found a heavy wooden table they could use as a makeshift battering ram. They exchanged a glance, knowing that their plan needed to succeed.

The leader of the intruders called out, "Last chance, Yuri Park! Surrender, or your family pays the price."

Before Yuri could respond, Namjoon and Y/n sprang into action. With all their strength, they rammed the table against one of the barricaded doors, causing it to splinter and crack. It wouldn't hold for long, but it bought them a few precious seconds.

The room erupted in chaos as the armed intruders rushed to the damaged barricade, trying to breach the room. Namjoon and Y/n knew they had to act fast.

Yuri turned to the Kim brothers. "There's a hidden escape route in this room. I'll show you where it is. Follow me."

The Kim brothers nodded, trusting Yuri to lead them to safety. As they moved toward the concealed exit, they couldn't help but wonder how many other secrets their mother had kept hidden from them.

Namjoon and Y/n continued to hold off the intruders, using whatever makeshift weapons they could find to deter their advance. The Kims and Yuri, guided by her knowledge of the escape route, made their way through a hidden passage that led them deeper into the building.

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