Episode 22-2: Invitation

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Episode 22-2: Invitation...

Author POV: 

As the room falls into a heavy silence, Y/n can feel the weight of the situation pressing down on her. She knows that repeating her words might not change her father's decision, but she also understands the importance of speaking her mind and expressing her concerns.

The atmosphere in the dining room is tense as Kim Sunghoon, Kang Yuri, and the Kim brothers gather for a discussion. The room is adorned with luxurious furnishings, highlighting the stark contrast between the opulence and the underlying tension.

Kang Yuri sits on the couch, her eyes slightly red as if she had been crying. She takes a deep breath, ready to play her part in this orchestrated drama.

Kang Yuri: (sniffling) I...I can't take this anymore. It's clear that your children don't want us to get married. They've made it abundantly clear that they don't accept me.

Kim Sunghoon: (concerned) Yuri, please don't cry. They just need time to adjust to the situation. We can work through this.

Kang Yuri: (voice trembling) No, Sunghoon, it's not just about them needing time. It's about the fact that they don't want us to be together. They've made that very clear. *She wipes away a tear that isn't real*

Kim Namjoon: (exasperated) This is all an act, isn't it? You're trying to manipulate us by playing the victim.

Kang Yuri: (looking at Namjoon with fake hurt) How can you say that? I'm pouring my heart out here, and you accuse me of manipulating? I never thought I'd be treated this way.

Kim Sunghoon: (firmly) That's enough, Namjoon. Show some respect to Kang Yuri.

Kim Yoongi: (sarcastically) Of course, Father. We should all bow down to Kang Yuri's crocodile tears.

Kang Yuri: (feigning desperation) You don't understand, Yoongi. All I want is for us to be a happy family, but your constant rejection is tearing us apart. Please, Sunghoon, listen to your children. They don't want this marriage.

Kim Sunghoon: (his voice filled with determination) No, Yuri. I've made up my mind. My choices have always been right, and you are the one for me. I won't let their resistance sway me.

Kim Taehyung: (angry) Father, can't you see through her act? She's playing with your emotions.

Kang Yuri: (gasping) How dare you? I loved your father with all my heart, and this is how you repay me? I thought we could be a family, but clearly, that was just a dream.

Kim Sunghoon: (defending Kang Yuri) That's enough! She's right, Taehyung. We could have been a family if you all just accepted her.

The room is filled with tension as the Kim brothers realize their father's unwavering support for Kang Yuri, despite their suspicions. The orchestrated melodrama has only strengthened his resolve, and it becomes apparent that their attempts to reason with him have backfired.

Kim Jungkook: (frustrated) Father, can't you see that she's manipulating you? We're trying to protect our family, and you're pushing us away for someone who doesn't have our best interests at heart.

Kim Sunghoon: (rising from his seat, his voice filled with authority) Enough! I've made my decision, and I expect all of you to respect it. Kang Yuri is going to be my wife, and that's final.

The room falls into a heavy silence as the Kim brothers exchange defeated glances. They realize that their father is not open to their concerns, and their unity seems to be crumbling under the weight of this decision.

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