Episode 38: Secrets and Wars

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Episode 38: Secrets and Wars...

Author POV:

As Y/n's brothers entered the room, a sense of tension and apprehension filled the air. Park Se-Hyung, the eldest at 23 years old, stepped forward, his eyes fixed on their mother, Yuri.

Se-Hyung: (Calmly) Mother, it's been a long time since we've seen you. Care to explain why you left us and betrayed our family?

Yuri's face turned pale as she saw her sons standing there, each one with a stern expression. She had expected her actions to catch up with her eventually, but she never imagined it would be at this moment.

Yuri: (Stuttering) Se-Hyung, Se-Hyun, Hyung-Shik, Hye-Shik... I... I had my reasons.

Se-Hyun: (With anger) Reasons? What reasons could possibly justify what you did? We were just kids when you disappeared, and you left us to fend for ourselves.

Yuri: (Tears welling up) I never wanted to involve you in the dangerous world your father and I were a part of. I thought leaving was the only way to protect you.

Se-Hyung: (Sarcastically) Protect us? By aligning with criminals and trying to destroy our own family?

Park Dong Wook, who had been silent until now, finally spoke up.

Park Dong Wook: (Defiantly) Don't act like you're innocent in all of this, Yuri. You knew what you were getting into when we decided to be together. We both had our reasons for leaving our past lives behind.

Yuri: (Desperately) Dong Wook, please, you have to understand. I did all of that to protect our family's reputation and wealth. I thought I was doing the right thing.

Se-Hyung, Se-Hyun, Hyung-Shik, and Hye-Shik exchanged incredulous glances. It was becoming clear that there was much more to the story than they had ever known.

Se-Hyung: (Demanding) Enough of the excuses, Mother. We want the truth. Why did you betray our family, and why did you leave us in the dark about our true identity?

Yuri hesitated for a moment, her gaze shifting between her sons and Y/n, who had lowered the gun but was still visibly shaken by her mother's confession.

Yuri: (Reluctantly) The truth is... during marriage, I only saw that your father was rich but I never asked about his profession. I only saw the amount of money he had but the day when I was pregnant with Y/N, I got to know about your father's profession. Actually it was a profession which ran through each and every bloodline of the PARK family. So, I-

Y/N: So you decided to run away without even giving us a proper notice of everything? 

The room fell silent once again as this revelation sunk in. Y/n's brothers and the Kim brothers were taken aback by the revelation that their family had been part of the criminal underworld, and their father had been a mafia leader.

Se-Hyun: (He asked while laughing) You mean to tell us that you never knew thatour family, the Parks, were the top mafia family?

Se-Hyung: (Shaking his head) This is unbelievable. 

Hyung-Shik: (Baffled) And why did you leave, Mother? Why did you betray our father and our family?

Yuri: (Tears streaming down her face) It's a long and complicated story, one that involves rivalries, power struggles, and a desire for a normal life. Your father and I wanted to protect all of you from the darkness of our world. That's why we separated and tried to start anew.

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