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[Same Night]

Paris P.O.V

"Chres?" I asked as I walked into his room after eating the food he had made me earlier.

"Yo? What's up?" He said quickly minimizing something from the computer spinning around on his chair.

"Wait, what was you doing?" I asked as I walked up to him with my hand pressed on my hip. "Nothing." He said but I knew he was lying.

"Seriously Chres" I said as irritation filled my tone.

"I'm just handling my business. Trying to find your friend." He said and I sighed knowing he meant Deja.

"I thought you was done with finding her." I said rolling my eyes.

"I never stopped. I have to find her if it's the last thing I do. She know's to much."

"Wow' Chres." I mumbled as I turned around, but I felt his grip. "What are you doing?" I asked turning around still in his grip as he slid his hand down my waist pulling me into him.

"I want you to be mine again." He whispered pulling his lips to my ear giving it a flick with his tongue.


I stopped myself as I felt his tongue go down my neck and his fingers trace down my panty line.

I couldn't help myself, but to let him have his way, because this was going to be the last day he had me.

and with that being said let the night begin.


It was around nine and the plan was in the works. I had gotten Chresanto to take me out' and he agreed.

I had to play this whole thing off it I wanted this plan to work.

"So? What you ordering baby?" He asked as we slide in the booth. I kind of fidgeted when he asked as I look around for a sign of Jacob or Deja.

"Um honestly, I don't know. I might get this steak with eggs and pancakes on the side." I replied.

I had gotten him to take me to huddle house. "Why the hell you want to go there?" He asked me in the middle of our sexual contact. "I'm just in the mode for some breakfast." I smirked and moaned once I felt him get in contact with my nipples.

"Since you've been good, I guess we can." He said and a hour later we was out and now we're here.

"What are you ordering?" I asked getting back into present time. "Ion know mane' I might order err-thing. This shit look good." He chuckled and looked up at me from the menu.

"You know something Paris?" He said and I gulped when I noticed Deja walk in and nodded her head.

"What?" I smiled.

"I know I've been nothing but the bad guy in this, but I want you to know that I honestly love you. You've been the greatest person I've ever known. The perfect bestfriend, The perfect girlfriend, and everything else. And with that being said Paris." He said as he moved from the booth and got on one knee and I gasped and threw my hand over my mouth.

Was he about to ask me to marry him? No can't be. We're just seventeen! Even though I'll be eighteen in a month and some weeks. I still wasn't in the right predicament for all of this.

I know I was going to have to repeat this grade once more. I couldn't do all of thi-

"I want you to promise me. That whatever happens you'll always stick with me, always love me even when you say you hate me, always be there when I need you the most, and never do me wrong. If you can promise me all of that I'll let you go. I'll let you free and back to live that happy life you've been living before I took you away from it all." He said and I froze.

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