E. 5

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[Next Day- Evening]

*Paris P.O.V*

"I can't believe what you dragged me into Daniel." I said throwing over my blue long sleeve crop top. "What you talking about girl?" He said playing with my polish, picking them up and them throwing them back down just to hear them clash together.

"Deja wants me to take Chres with me." I said in sigh walking over to him on my bed. "Okay and?" He said dramatically as if it meant nothing.

"And? You know about me and Jacob? I told him I would never go back down that path with Chresanto."

I hadn't talked to Jacob about the whole date with Chres situation and I wasn't trying to. Even though Jacob was the sweetest he did also have his temper tantrums when it came to me. He never liked the idea of sharing something that was rightfully his.

"Oh we'll If he catches you, I'll just tell him he's with me." Daniel said and I threw my hands on my chest dramatically as if he hadn't just said that.

"You? Sticking up? For me? Daniel Perez Jackson Jr, are you sick?" I said sarcastically and he sucked his teeth. "Mane shutup before I change my mind." He said as he walked out my room.

I grabbed my black Micheal Kors bag and headed out my room. I turned the corner to be faced with my father. "Hey Dad." I said smirking.

"Hey Paris, I was just about to come into your room and ask you something. You have a minute?" He asked and I nodded and walked in to the living room taking a seat on the black leather couch.

"Okay what's up?" I said throwing my legs on the couch getting comfortable. "We'll I was wondering since you are moving out that we go do some shopping in a few days?"He said and I fluttered my eyelashes taking in what he said.

The plan of me moving out was so that I bought my own furniture and supplement in to my apartment. But hey I wasn't about to complain.

"Okay that sounds great." I said trying not to sound so happy about it, because I didn't know if this was a trick or not.

"And between me and you," My dad said as he looked around"I'll pay your light and water bill for a while until you get actually on your feet."

"Are you serious Dad?" I said showing a grin. "Yes, but all of this under one condition." He said and I let out a small sigh knowing there was going to be a catch to all of this.

"Like what dad?" I said getting prepared for the worst as I crossed my arms around me. "Take your brother with you. He will help pay and bring food in the house."

"Why can't he just get his own apartment dad? He's eighteen about to graduate this year right along with me." I said rolling my eyes in disgust.

"Look I'm giving an offer. Take it or don't, but let me know by tomorrow at breakfast." He said standing up, but I stopped him. "He can move in Dad. I have no problem with him staying, but there will be days when he'll need to come back here, because I do need my privacy and you know how protective he can get."

"Alright I'll take that." He said walking out of the living room and back down the hall.

I sighed and made my way outside and towards my car.



I pulled in Chres's yard and made my way over to his front door. I automatically smiled when I saw him come up to the door.

He pulled me in to a hug. His cologne was real strong but it smelt real good. "Hey Chres." I said as I broke the connection of the hug. "Hey Paris. What's up?" He said motioning me to come in side, but I didn't so he went over to a chair and sat.

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