chapter 4 part 12

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With every qualified student standing ready to face Vecna head-on, tension hung heavily in the air. It was a moment of resolve, a collective understanding that the safety of their realm depended on their actions.

To everyone's surprise, especially Xander's, Elara stepped forward to speak. Her voice, though soft, carried a weight of wisdom that demanded attention. "We must remember that Vecna is within the body of our friend, Alaric," she began. "Alaric is a student of this school and a faithful colleague to us all. We can not be ruthless with Vecna without considering the consequences to him and others who care for him."

Her words resonated with many in the hall, and heads nodded in agreement. Xander, proud of Elara's compassionate stance, exchanged a reassuring glance with her.

Patronas, weakened from his earlier spellcasting, spoke up as well. "We must make haste," he urged, his voice frail but determined. "We can not allow Vecna to break that barrier and gain access to the entire realm."

The assembled students and teachers knew that time was of the essence, and they prepared to face Vecna. However, as they readied to depart, Xander stepped forward, his gaze fixed on Elara.

"I'm still worried about you," Xander admitted, concern etched into his expression. "I can't allow you to go and confront such a powerful being in your state."

Elara's initial response was anger, her determination unwavering. "I won't stand by and watch this happen," she declared firmly. "And I don't want anything to happen to you."

Xander chuckled softly, his eyes filled with warmth. "Elara, it's not about me," he explained gently. "It's about not being distracted, knowing you're safe. I need to focus on dealing with Vecna."

High Elf Astrid, always composed and pragmatic, stepped closer to Elara, offering her support and guidance. "Xander is right," she said, her voice carrying the weight of experience. "You must stay here in the hall with the younger students. I promise you, Patronas will be here to keep you company."

Patronas, upon hearing this, looked at Astrid with a mixture of surprise and refusal. However, Astrid's determination matched his, and she continued. "Patronas, you're still recovering from your spellcasting, and you are recognizable to Vecna. You could be an easy target for him. You must stay behind."

Despite Patronas's reluctance, several board members who understood the gravity of the situation joined Astrid in her insistence. Patronas was eventually forced to accept that his presence could pose a risk, and with a heavy heart, he agreed to stay back with Elara in the safety of the hall.

As the group of determined students and teachers readied themselves to confront Vecna, the forcecage barrier continued to weaken. The fate of their realm hung in the balance, and they were determined to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the group departed, Patronas turned to Elara, offering a reassuring smile. "I trust you to look after the younger students," he said, his tone filled with confidence. Elara, though reluctant, nodded in agreement, feeling the weight of responsibility settling upon her shoulders. She approached her Defense Against Necromancy teacher and reminded him that he had been ordered not to go. Patronas grinned and replied, "I'm not going. I just need to regenerate Arcanum energy." With that, he moved to a corner of the hall, crossed his legs, and began to levitate. A bright teal glow enveloped his body, captivating the younger students, who watched in awe as this magical display unfolded before their eyes. Elara stood in the midst of the mesmerized children, awkwardly witnessing the spectacle.

Meanwhile, the group searching for Vecna had reached the Aether Plaza, but to their surprise, the pulsing of the forcecage had abruptly stopped. They gazed up through the glass roof, their confusion mounting.

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