chapter 4 part 3

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Part 3 of Chapter 4: "Patronas' Declaration"

The corridors and central gathering area of the school, often referred to as "Aether Plaza," were alive with animated conversations, rumors, and speculations about the impending rise of Malachorix. The students couldn't help but exchange worried glances and whispered concerns.

Into this cacophony of voices entered a group of authoritative figures, including Isolde, Lord Thalgrim and Archmedius
They made their presence known, urging the students to disperse and cease their discussions of matters they deemed beyond the students' comprehension.

Amid this assembly of educators, the deputy headmistress, Lyria Blackthorn, a grand warlock whose age was etched onto her face in the form of subtle wrinkles, took the center stage. Her voice, while authoritative, carried an undertone of condescension.

"You are all inexperienced," she declared coldly to the gathered students. "Such matters are not your concern. Focusing on your studies is what truly matters. These baseless rumors only serve to distract you and corrupt your minds."

Just as her speech reached its pinnacle, a dramatic entrance disrupted the proceedings. Patronas, who had been rarely seen since his last incident with the bored, stormed into the scene. His robes billowed elegantly behind him, exuding an air of magic and authority that left the students awe-struck. This was the first time many of them had seen him since the council meeting, and his presence commanded their attention.

Patronas moved with grandeur, his attire an elegant masterpiece of magical craftsmanship. The robe he wore was woven from threads that shimmered like the night sky and emitted a soft, ethereal glow. It bore intricate runes that danced across the fabric, creating an awe-inspiring sight that left the students mesmerized.

His authoritative aura and imposing demeanor silenced the students as he addressed them directly, dismissing Deputy Headmistress Blackthorn's words with a stern command.

"Enough of this, Lyria," Patronas declared firmly. "Your words are not words of wisdom."This induced a gasp among the students.

He then turned his attention to the assembled students, his gaze sweeping across their faces, acknowledging their curiosity and concern. His voice resonated with unwavering conviction as he began to unravel the grim details of Malachorix's plan.

"Malachorix plans to rise from the Netherworld," Patronas explained, each word carrying the weight of urgency. "And the Academy, in its ignorance, held you back. We have only just begun to uncover his sinister plot."

Patronas implored the students to prepare themselves and join the effort to thwart Malachorix's ambitions. "You would have unraveled this plan yourselves," he asserted. "But the Academy's hesitance has held you back. We must act swiftly, or the consequences will be dire."

With those words, Patronas concluded his speech, leaving the students in a state of determination and newfound resolve, ready to face the impending threat that loomed over their world. The shock and awe that had surrounded his entrance now lingered into rising fear.

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