chapter 4 part 6

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In an abrupt shift of events, they all rushed to the infirmary, dread settling in their hearts. As they entered, their eyes met the lifeless form of Seraphiel sprawled on the floor. A collective gasp filled the room.

Lord Thalgrim, his countenance grave, knelt beside her and made a mystic gesture with his hand, casting an ethereal aura over her. He exchanged a glance with Astrid and Patronas before shaking his head solemnly. Seraphiel was no more.

Xander, along with the other students who had caught up with them, gaped at the lifeless figure of Seraphiel. He couldn't help but call out, "Alaric!" His voice echoed through the silent room as he frantically scanned the area, searching for any sign of his friend.

Patronas, his face a mixture of concern and frustration, swiftly formed a symbol in the air, a complex shape that shimmered with a soft azure glow. He pushed it gently toward Seraphiel's lifeless body.

Suddenly, an ethereal projection materialized, depicting a harrowing scene. It showed an indistinct figure, shrouded in darkness, rising from a nearby bed. The figure's hands moved in a sinister manner, extracting energy from Seraphiel's mind, ultimately extinguishing her life in a cruel and malevolent act.

Shock gripped everyone in the room. Xander turned slowly toward them, his voice quivering as he uttered the unthinkable truth, "That bed... it's Alaric's."

Patronas, his eyes betraying a sense of disappointment, closed them briefly. "Alaric... why didn't you come to me?" he murmured, his voice laced with regret. He reopened his eyes to gaze at Xander.

Xander, his emotions a tumultuous storm, explained, "Alaric came to me, the day after the incident in your chambers. He told me about the visions, about feeling controlled, controlled by Vecna." He hesitated for a moment, then continued, "He was afraid coming to you, reluctant, after what happened in your chambers."

A wave of understanding washed over Patronas's features as he processed the information. "So, you sought the Elemental Guardians to gain their power for an exorcism," he said, his voice tinged with remorse for not having been trusted by Alaric and Xander.

Xander nodded, and his voice grew heavy with the weight of his decision. "Yes, that's what I meant to tell you at the Boardroom." He sighed. "But, Patronas, Alaric was afraid of the consequences after what happened in your chambers. He didn't want to involve you."

Patronas's expression shifted, revealing a hint of vulnerability. "I, too, was deceived by Tharizdun and Vecna," he confessed, his voice laden with sorrow. He explained, "That day, the day I confronted Alaric, I cleansed Alaric of Tharizdun, thinking he'd be the one to sieze control over his mind. Tharizdun sacrificed himself,fooled me into targeting him instead of Vecna,relinquishing his power to shield Vecna from suspicion." He paused, choosing his words carefully. "Now, Vecna roams freely within this Academy, and we have unwittingly granted him the time to assume complete control."

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