chapter 4 part 10

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As Xander and Thorn entered the Grand Arcanum Hall, they were met with a breathtaking sight. The entire Academy had gathered, their eyes fixed on Patronas, who stood at the center of the hall's podium. The glass dome above was wide open, allowing the gentle sunlight to stream in at an angle.

Patronas began the spell Eclipse of Darkness with a graceful sweep of his arms. Each movement left behind a trail of bluish and fiery hues, like the delicate brushstrokes of a master painter. In the air around him, ethereal trails swirled, swerved, and spiraled, creating an intricate dance of light and shadow.

With every motion, the colors intensified, and the audience watched in awe as Patronas wove his magic. The atmosphere seemed to thicken with anticipation as the grand spell unfolded.

Meanwhile, Headmaster Seraphina and Lord Thalgrim stood together, their hands cusped in a delicate gesture, light illuminating from their palms. Their incantations added an extra layer of enchantment to the proceedings, enhancing the spell's potency.

As Patronas neared the culmination of the incantation, his arms moved with breathtaking speed. With one hand raised high, the other extended towards the ground with two fingers gently touching the floor. His body leaned forward with an aura of focused determination.

With deliberate grace, he raised the two fingers slowly, and as he did, the sunlight began to diminish. It was as if he commanded the very heavens. The hall grew darker and darker with each inch his hand ascended, until it seemed like twilight had fallen.

In a final, dramatic flourish, Patronas brought both hands together, fingers tracing an intricate pattern through the air. With a powerful burst of energy, his hands met the ground, and a full moon materialized in the open dome.

The moon's brilliance bathed the hall in its soft, silvery light, and all eyes were drawn to its serene glow. Moon elf students seemed to radiate with subdued luminosity under its influence.

Xander realized that Alaric, being a Moon elf, would now be affected by this enchantment. Vecna's ability to transcend to his full strength would be hindered, making it easier to identify Alaric among the multitude of students.

The spell had not only transformed the physical environment but had also displayed the magnificent power of Patronas , being able to transcend and transform the entire realm from Day to Night.

The culmination of Patronas's powerful spell left him drained and weakened, forcing him to kneel upon the podium. The exertion of channeling such immense magic had clearly taken its toll. A hushed silence fell over the hall as everyone watched, concerned for their Director of Education.

With a regal air, Seraphina began to issue orders. She commanded all the Moon elf students to gather in front of the podium for identification. As the Moon elves complied, Xander scanned the crowd, hoping to find Alaric among them. To his dismay, Alaric was conspicuously absent.

Fearing the worst, Xander turned to see if the others had successfully gathered all the students from each wing. It appeared that they had.

Astrid called Xander forward, her expression etched with apprehension. Xander approached her with a heavy heart and quietly informed her that Alaric was not among the gathered Moon elves. A shadow of fear crossed Astrid's face as she relayed the news to Seraphina.

Without hesitation, Seraphina ordered the immediate closure of the hall doors, sealing everyone inside. The atmosphere inside the hall grew tense, and confusion hung in the air like a thick fog.

Astrid, now standing at the front of the hall, took charge. She stepped forward and addressed the bewildered students, delivering a speech that detailed Alaric's history, his connection with Vecna, and the events that had unfolded. She emphasized the need for everyone to prepare themselves for the looming threat.

A teacher of divine creatures, known for her wisdom, raised a pertinent question. She inquired about the students who were yet to arrive and how they could be locked inside when not all were present.

Astrid, growing increasingly frustrated, turned her gaze toward Xander, silently urging him to explain. Xander stepped forward, taking a deep breath to address the concerned assembly.

"We've faced a grave situation," Xander began. "In the library, Thorn and I found a scene of horror. Over fifty lifeless bodies strewn across the Arcanum Archives, and the Grimoire of Celestial Enigmas open to a page that spoke of the Eye and Hand of Vecna."

Gasps of shock and anger rippled through the gathered students. They questioned the capability of the Academy to protect them.

In that very moment, the invisible forcecage spell barrier, cast by Astrid, began to pulse with energy. An eerie electric hum filled the hall, and a pulsating blue wave swept over the open dome above.

Patronas, still recovering from the strain of his earlier spell, spoke with a sense of urgency. "He's outside." His words hung heavily in the air, sending shivers down the spines of those who heard them. The threat they unprepared for had arrived at their doorstep.

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