chapter 3 part 7

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As Alaric lay on a comfortable medical cot in the Astralis Academy's infirmary, a gentle cleric named Seraphiel attended to his condition. Seraphiel, known for her soothing presence and proficiency in healing magic, was one of the most respected members of the academy's clergy.

Around Alaric's bedside stood Selene, Elara, and three new faces, each wearing expressions of concern. The first was Professor Thandor, a seasoned teacher from the academy's board, specializing in a study of elemental magic. His knowledge of storm magic was renowned throughout the school.

The other two were students, both specializing in storm magic as well. Their names were Lirael and Soren, and they had been colleagues of Elara and Alaric for some time. The bond between them had formed through shared classes and a mutual fascination with the raw power of storms.

Selene, with her silver hair cascading down her back, watched Seraphiel's gentle ministrations as she tended to Alaric's injuries.

Elara, her thoughts filled with worry, glanced at the new faces in the room. Professor Thandor's presence indicated that Alaric's condition was of great concern to the academy, while Lirael and Soren offered their silent solidarity.

Seraphiel, her healing magic suffusing the room with a soothing aura, finally spoke. "His injuries are not severe, but the emotional and magical strain he endured has taken its toll. He needs time to rest and recover."

Elara nodded, her gaze fixed on Alaric's still form. She couldn't help but wonder what had caused such a drastic change in him, leading to his mysterious and aggressive behavior during these weeks.

Professor Thandor, his piercing grey eyes filled with concern, spoke softly. "We will need to monitor him closely and ensure that he regains his strength. Whatever has transpired, it has left its mark on him."

Lirael exchanged a knowing look with Soren. They had seen firsthand the unsettling change in their fellow student and friend, and they too were eager for answers.

As Seraphiel continued her work, the atmosphere in the room remained heavy with unanswered questions. Alaric's sudden transformation and the dark forces at play weighed on the minds of those gathered, casting a shadow over the Astralis Academy.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the Arcanum Archives, Xander was engrossed in his search for any information regarding the name "Istradroth." Ancient tomes and scrolls surrounded him as he meticulously combed through the shelves. The name had ignited a spark of recognition within him, but he needed to uncover the truth behind it.

As Xander delved deeper into his research, his eyes scanning passages written by long-forgotten scholars, he couldn't shake the sense that something dark and powerful lurked behind that name. The more he read, the more he realized that Istradroth was not a name to be taken lightly.

Back at the Astralis Academy, within the grand council chamber, the Board of Twenty-Five had assembled once again to address the recent events involving Patronas. Their concern over his actions with Alaric and Xander weighed heavily on their minds, and they demanded answers.

Corwin spoke sternly. "Patronas, your actions have raised serious concerns among the board. We need to know your intentions and the nature of your involvement with the students. The safety of our scholars is paramount."

Astrid regarded Patronas with a piercing gaze. "Your actions, Patronas, have disrupted the balance we strive to maintain within the academy. We require a full explanation."

The headmistress Seraphina exuded an air of authority as she addressed Patronas. "Your role here is to guide and protect the students, not to place them in peril. We demand clarity."

Thane Ironbeard, the council's representative of the dwarves and a master in earth magic, added his voice to the growing chorus. "The safety of our young scholars should be our utmost priority. We need assurance that your actions will not jeopardize their well-being."

Thandor, whose expertise lay in storm magic and who had been present during Alaric's distressing episode, stepped forward. "I have been monitoring Alaric's condition closely. Physically, he is recovering, but the emotional and magical strain he endures is profound. We need to understand the extent of your involvement."

Lady Marissa, a scholar known for her studies of ancient prophecies, spoke with a sense of foreboding. "We can not afford to ignore the dark forces that may be at play here. Patronas, we need transparency in your actions."

Master Aric, an overall elemental specialist similar to patronas with a reputation for meticulousness, echoed the sentiments of many. "We must protect the students and the sanctity of this academy. We seek assurance that no harm will befall them."

Magistra Calina, an expert in planar magic, emphasized the academy's responsibility. "Our mission is to foster knowledge and enlightenment. Any threats to our students must be addressed swiftly."

The board listened intently to Patronas, awaiting his response. The weight of their collective scrutiny bore down upon him, and the future of the Astralis Academy hung in the balance.

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