chapter 3 part 10

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Xander listened intently to Alaric's words, concern etching itself into his features. "Alaric," he said softly, "you should be resting and healing in medical treatment. What could possibly be so wrong that you're here, talking to me?"

Alaric's eyes darted around nervously before he leaned in closer, as if sharing a secret that could shatter their world. "Xander, it's more than just visions that Patronas spoke of," he confessed. "Ever since last night, I've been feeling... controlled. Manipulated. It's as if something is trying to take over my very being."

Xander's heart sank at Alaric's revelation. It was far more serious than Patronas had initially believed.

Alaric's voice quivered as he continued, "The worst part is, I'm certain it's now Vecna,-the entity Patronas mentioned. The one who was sealed away and left something behind to assist Malachorix. I can feel its presence, and it's trying to dominate me."

Xander's mind raced with worry for his friend. "We need help," he said firmly. "I know you're hesitant about Patronas after what happened in his chambers, but we can't do this alone. He can provide some insight, a way to combat this... possession."

Alaric hesitated, torn between his fear of Patronas and his desperation for a solution. "I fear Patronas might make things worse," he confessed. "But you're right. We can't face this alone. Let's seek Gideon's counsel. He should know something about dealing with possession."

With their decision made, Xander and Alaric left the dimly lit Arcanum Archives, their path illuminated by the flickering candlelight. As they made their way to find Gideon, uncertainty hung heavy in the air.

Xander gently escorted Alaric back to the Medical wing, where Miss Seraphiel, the school's cleric, awaited. She looked up from her work with a concerned expression as they entered. "Xander, what happened to Alaric?" she asked.

"He's gotten worse," Xander replied solemnly. "He's been... affected by something, and we're not entirely sure what it is."

Miss Seraphiel nodded, her expression filled with understanding. She immediately began her examination, her skills honed through years of healing students. Xander watched, worry etched across his face.

As Alaric underwent his examination, Xander spotted Lirael and Soren, . He approached them, his voice hushed. "Lirael, Soren," he said, "I need a favor. Alaric's worse then we assumed, and I suspect it's connected to Vecna. We need to find information about Vecna, and we need it quickly. Can you help us research it? We'll meet in the library tomorrow at dawn."

Lirael and Soren exchanged a quick glance before nodding. "Of course, Xander," Lirael replied. "We'll do our best to gather information for you."

As they walked away, Elara suddenly appeared in Xander's path. He looked relieved and slightly stressed, and upon seeing each other after the past two days, they couldn't help but draw close. They held each other, sharing a moment of solace in these turbulent times. Xander held Elara's shoulders gently as he spoke to her.

"Elara," he began softly, "I need you to go to the library and find information from a specific book. It's open on the eighth aisle's desk. I'm researching something crucial." He hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I promise I'll tell you more, but for now, it's imperative that I find Gideon for something else. Can you help me with this, my love?"

Elara looked up at him with concern, her eyes filled with love and worry. She placed her hand on his chest, her touch reassuring. "Xander," she said, her voice filled with gentle sincerity, "please promise me you won't carry too much on your shoulders. You're important to me, and I don't want to see you overworking yourself."

Xander smiled down at her, his heart warmed by her words. He nodded and kissed her forehead. "I promise, Elara," he whispered. "I won't let it consume me. We'll face this together."

With a final embrace, they parted ways. Xander went in search of Gideon, while Elara made her way to the library, determined to help with Xanders research on Istradroth.

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