chapter 3 part 15

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Part 15 of Chapter 3

Xander rushed into the medical room with Selene by his side, his heart pounding with worry for Elara. She lay on a treatment bed, her complexion pale, and her expression tired but relieved to see him. With gentle concern in his eyes, Xander approached her, bending close to her side.

"Elara, are you okay?" Xander asked anxiously, his voice laced with genuine concern.

Weakly, Elara smiled and reached for his hand, bringing it to her face. She kissed his palm softly, a tender gesture that warmed Xander's heart. "It's not your fault, Xander," she whispered softly.

He reprimanded himself, his voice filled with regret, "I should've never asked you to dabble with such dark tomes . I was foolish."

Elara, even in her tired state, shook her head gently. "It's not your fault, Xander," she repeated, her voice faint but filled with affection.

Xander took his hand from her cheek, running his fingers through her hair, his touch gentle and caring. Their eyes met, and for a moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them.

She leaned slightly toward him and whispered, "You know, the book you were reading, about Istradroth..."

Xander's brows furrowed in curiosity. "What about it?"

Elara's voice was soft and caring as she continued, "It mentioned that Zephyrithian, the great Cosmic Sage, was formerly known as Istradroth. He earned the title Zephyrithian."

A profound shock struck Xander as he processed this revelation. The pieces of a puzzle fell into place, and he remembered the moment when Tharizdun had addressed Patronas as Istradroth, unveiling his true identity. Xander's expression shifted from shock to a deep sense of realization.

Elara noticed his change in demeanor and asked with concern, "Xander, what's wrong?"

Realizing that he couldn't reveal this truth to her, not at this moment, Xander forced a smile and looked into her eyes. "Nothing, Elara. Just a lot on my mind, but don't you worry. Focus on recovering, okay?"

She gazed at him with affection and humor dancing in her eyes. "You know, they say that staring at you cures illness."

Xander chuckled softly. "Well, in that case, I'll stay here all day."

Seraphiel, who had been tending to Elara, chimed in, "She'll be fine, Xander. She just needs some rest, and she'll recover by tomorrow."

As Xander prepared to leave the medical wing, Seraphiel's words of caution followed him. She expressed her concerns about his heavy burden and responsibilities, urging him to take care of himself. He nodded, appreciating her concern but still determined to carry the weight he felt was his to bear.

With that, Xander left the medical wing, his thoughts filled with newfound knowledge about Patronas, Patronas was ... was, is the Cosmic sage Zephyrithian.The founder of their academy the savior of the Aether.

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