chapter 3 part 3

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Xander took a deep breath, preparing to recount the strange incidents involving Alaric. He knew that his words carried weight, especially with Patronas, who had always regarded him as a trusted and perceptive student.

"Master Patronas," Xander began, "it all started with Alaric acting unusually distant. He stopped attending council meetings, which he had always been enthusiastic about. Then, during one of our magical training sessions, he unleashed a burst of wild magic that sent shockwaves throughout the training grounds. It was as if his control over his abilities had waned."

Patronas listened intently, his features etched with concern as Xander continued. "But what troubles me the most is his behavior during the night of Stella Lunaris. He rebuked us when we were all enjoying the serenity of the evening , displaying our respect for the great Dragon and Alaric, who never would never utter a word of disobedience to the ancient primordial beings, lashed out at us , questioned why we kept serenity and joy on such a night? Alaric has always been joyful and lively, but now, he seems different, darker."

Patronas nodded gravely, understanding the gravity of the situation. Alaric's sudden change in behavior was indeed a cause for concern, especially in the midst of the growing threats.

"Xander," Patronas said, his voice firm, "I sense that these changes in Alaric may be linked to the disturbances we are investigating. I need you to summon him to my chambers after sunset. You shall be present as well. We must get to the bottom of this and ensure that his well-being, as well as the academies, is safeguarded."

Xander nodded, his determination clear in his eyes. "Of course, Master Patronas. I'll bring Alaric to your chambers as requested."

As Xander turned to leave, Patronas called out to him once more. "Xander, there is something I sense in you,something emanates from your heart, something special. You cherish it deeply.

Xander, seemingly stunned by these words, truly believed his emotions were hidden,  but as he gazed into the youthful but somehow wise eyes of Patronas, he realized the capabilities of Patronas . To the academy, he was no ordinary Elemental Mage. He inhibited something special,  but no one could grasp what.

"Remember that Elara is a good, guided soul. Let your love for each other be a source of strength, not a blindfold that obscures your path. Help guide each other through the challenges that lie ahead."

Xander met Patronas's gaze, gratitude welling up within him. "Thank you, Master Patronas. Your wisdom and guidance mean the world to us."

With those words, Xander left, leaving Patronas alone in his chambers, a smile tugging at the corners of the cosmic sage's lips. He knew that in the face of impending darkness, love and unity would prove to be powerful allies in the battles to come.

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