After that happened

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part 2 of wondering

when he told his father about the information he was shocked "I never thought Felix would marry a commoner what a shame but it isn't much of a surprise with how Amelie raised him." Gabriel replied with a sneer.

"Father I was thinking of taking Lila as my plus one." Adrien  remarked.

"of course you should who else would you take she is the only person I approve of from your nonsense bunch of friends ." Gabriel replied.

"but father.." Adrien started to say.

"Go get ready you don't want to be late. Though they may not be ideal they are your mother's family you will attend befitting the Agreste name." He said and left.

Adrian left to tell Lila

With our beloved couple

"Darling please take a break you have been working non-stop I am worried your gonna be dead exhausted for the wedding." said Felix 

"But i will be stopping my custom orders for three months I don't want the company to suffer because of me." Marinette said while looking at her fiancée.

Felix looked at her and smiled softly he knew her very well he knew she was feeling guilty that she wouldn't be doing her job for the duration of their wedding and for a while afterwards.

"Darling you have done so much in a few years. Your clients know how dedicated you are they know that after this vacation you will continue making even  more awesome designs." he said

While she was considering his words Felix could see that his words were getting to her but she was still hesitant.

"do you think I  am a bad  businessman because I am taking a vacation even longer than yours?" he asked

"of course not you work so hard and even when on a vacation when there is a issue that can't be solved you help them you are a good businessman , Fe." she replied immediately.

"then believe me when I say it is alright to Take a vacation once in a while or you will burn out and your job is more creative than mine." he said

And then with mischief in his eyes he picked her bridal style and led her to their room.

"Fe" she shrieked then threw her head back and started laughing

"thank you but i believe i can walk on my own." she said

"you can doesn't mean you should especially when your lovely fiancée is here to help. Sleep now or else I'll have to force you not to do anything tomorrow." he warned

"ok ok I am going to sleep no need to threaten me." she mumbled

He smiled and switched off the light and went to thief bed and snuggled around her.

"Thank you for always saving me from others and myself, fe." a sleepy voice mumbled.

"good night my love." he tenderly replied and kissed her forehead

and both faded to sleep

date-5th oct 2023

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