new year

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Author's note- this was previously an author's note which i thought would be interesting to turn into a one shot with the same heading. 

in this fic there is no miraculous and first time Felix visiting Paris since he was but a child. Marinette doesn't have a crush on Adrian.

He remembered how when the year started it had felt like his life had turned into hell. after his father had died his mother was busy managing the company and couldn't spend much time with him. so after a few months she decided to send Félix to Paris to his uncle and cousin so both the children could spend time with each other and maybe console each other.

Félix hadn't wanted to go because he preferred being alone rather than being with his cousin it wasn't that he didn't like his cousin it was just that he was quite different from him and he was a teenager even though he was quite mature he just had the most unusual feelings for people time to time.

When he reached Paris he was resigned he knew he would have to spend atleast a year here because once his mother took a decision she followed it through. So he met Adrien and his uncle who somehow seemed colder.

When he started school most people steered clear of him because even though he looked like his cousin, cause  his aura was totally different and if that wasn't enough he had an intimidating scowl.

There was nothing quite special about this school or its students or so he thought until he met the class president Marinette Dupain Cheng. She wasn't afraid of him and was quite friendly and kind and a good friend of his cousin.

They were grouped together for a project and that was how he became friends with her and was invited to her house. her parents were just like her warm and kind and he quite liked them because most of the people he knew weren't so open about there feelings.

Though it might seem instantaneous while thinking it had taken a few months to admit that they were friends as he never had had friends except Adrian who technically didn't count as he was family.

She was his best friend now and if he were to admit his crush. Though he hadn't known what he had been feeling, he had researched the topic and had come to the said conclusion. But he would have to experiment more until he was sure as he didn't want to confess if said conclusion turned out to be false.

Now he was here at a new year party which his cousin and best friend had dragged him to. If someone had said at the beginning of the year that he would have found a best friend in Paris he would have thought that the person was joking.

"aren't you coming inside we are going to begin the counting in a few minutes." said a familiar voice. He turned to see his bestfriend Marinette and thought 'even though I might not have predicted this I am quite happy with the result of coming to Paris'.

he smiled and said, "come lets go."

and then he held out his arm for her to hold and both of them went inside to enjoy the new year together whatever things the new year held they would go through it together as friends.

or maybe more?

A/N- if you would like I will turn most of the author's note into one shots with the same title as the author note.

comment yes if you want me to do that.

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