The Party Part 3

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Alya the staunch supporter of Lila spotting jagged stone said ,"sir, Lila saved your cat from an accident didn't she?"

"what are you talking about I am allergic to cat fur, so why would I have a cat. Spreading lies is so not rock'n roll " he said

Alya looked dumbfounded, "but but.. miss Clara nightangale Lila taught you your famous dance moves."

"its really sad

how you believe that brat

and your condition must be bad

to believe that" Clara replied.

"I am sure the misunderstanding has been cleared why don't we all enjoy the party" said Amelia

all the guest returned to what they were doing prior to the disturbance.

"You were lying all this time, how could you?? I cut ties with my best friend because of you" Alya screamed at Lila

" you are so dumb you couldn't even figure out I was lying ."said liela while laughing evilly.

Alya angrily pushed her to the ground and started to fight

"security throw them out" said Gabriel.

Nino and Adrian were quiet during this time they saw Marinette and Felix and went towards them.

" I am sorry dudette I shouldn't have believed her over you please forgive me" said Nino while Adrian just awkwardly smiled.

"well I am happy you apologised but its too little too late you were my friends and you believed some new girl over me who you knew for so long just because she said she had connections." said Marinette turning to walk away.

"Marinette you shouldn't be like this you should forgive him he is your friend." said the pushover Adrian

"oh who are you to tell me what to do my parent, friend, family? you don't belong in any of these categories so Agreste don't even think you can tell me what to do afterall it was you who advised me to take the highroad wasn't it? Lot of good it did me." she said walking away.

"you are a real idiot I am ashamed to call you my cousin but thanks to you and you're foolish friends I got a gem and unlike you I am not a fool to throw it away." he said and went towards Marinette.

The day after

the class knew about Lila lying and were guilty and knew they had messed up real time they also knew that this time Marinette wouldn't forgive them and they couldn't really blame her as what they had done was unforgivable.

Marinette couldn't care less about them she had Felix, her friends and her family they were all there for her and that was enough for her. She wasn't going to be petty as she was sure they would all get what ever was meant for them their karma.

Date- 8th October 2022

A/n -finally the last part of this story. i will be writing an epilogue. i know its short but do tell if you like it 

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