the Party Part 2

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author note-dedicated to  Meh246Rosa74577,not sure when i'll be able to update next but will try

"well i thought you would recognize her but well let me introduce you to my girlfriend ,marinette dupain cheng."he said while pulling marinette closer to his side and marinette looked up at him with a loving expression.

whatt???screamed by dumb people (aka lie la ,alia ,adrien,nino)

"miss dupain cheng, i didn't know that you knew felix and amelia. I was wondering why you weren't with adrien and your friends for the last few months."said gabriel.

"oh didn't your son tell you we are't friends anymore"said marinettewith an airy laugh.

"afterall why would he be friends with an attention seeking brat who bullies the  sweetheart girl"she says.

"i am not sure i understand you correctly miss dupain cheng."said gabriel while alia looked irritated, adrien guilty and nino confused.

"well as much as we would love to be in such lovely company some of our friends." said felix cutting in and dragging marinette with him .

"well gabriel these so called friends of marinette believed a liar over their own friend who they had known longer. Just because she said she has connection all over the globe." said ameile with a smile but dangerous glint in her eyes.

"lila isn't lieing its maritrash who bullied her and is spreading lies about lila."screeched alia while lila looked shocked at the turn of events and adrien looked unsure about what he could do.

The whole attention of the ball was on the group.

"oh i am sure thats what you think miss cesairei am not sure how you think you can be a good reporter when you can't even fact check about what you are saying in your blog."said Ameile.

"afterall it must be coincidence that whenever you ask to meet these so called famous friends of miss rossi something unfortunate comes up. And its like you don't even use your brain or you could have just searched about what this liar has said and you would have realized that she is telling a lie but the truth is you all are just mindless sheep but i never thought my nephew would be such a spineless coward but i guess its because of you all that my son got such a lovely partner." said ameile.

"and how do you know all this ameile ?"asked gabriel.

"because i make it my business to know things about the people i care and mari is someone i care a lot about."said ameile.

"i care about you too ameile" said marinette from behind her.

It was then only the group noticed that they were the centre of attention of the ball so ameile used this to her advantage.

"well miss cesaire if you do believe that much lets just ask the guests here after all your friend i am sure knows many of them ."she said with an evil smile.

"of course she knows them ."she said with a smug smile while lila looked afraid.

Ameile looked like the cat who got the canary. And adrien would have been afraid if he wasn't so nervous about what was about to happen.

A/N-do tell me how you want the ending to be i will take that into consideration.

Date- 7th August 2022

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