Bio Dad Bruce

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A/N-my characters may not be like the original dc universe as i haven't watched/read the dc universe everything i know is from many fanfics that i have read .hope y'all enjoy it.

 Marinette had to go to Gotham. Now you would think why are we even talking about this well the thing is tom isn't her biological father he is her step dad. Well who is her biological father you ask none other than Bruce Wayne. And the problem you see is that till she was 5 she lived with her father but on her 6th birthday he dropped her at her mother's house and never returned.

6 year old Marinette thought her father hated her and that is why he didn't want her there. Marinette started living with her mother and found out that she liked it here in paris with her mother and step dad.

Now she is 22 a successful designer and singer known as MDC and Nettie and her dad (that is her legal guardian jagged stone)was doing a concert in gotham and wanted her to be there.Now you might ask how this happened. Well liela rossi happened,when she was in high school everyone liked her because of her personality and behaviour but then this liar came and started telling lies and her classmates the bunch of morons that they are believed the liar over their friend even though many of them knew her from childhood. they started ignoring her and calling her mean things. At first marinette was very hurt first her father and now her friends. The only one that knew that the liar was lying was her ex crush and he advised her to take the high road the coward that he was.

So after her ex moronic friends started ignoring her she had much free time and started her own bussiness at first she didn't have many customers as the website was started by a newbie but then jagged stone announced that his personal designer was MDC and thus her business started blowing/blossoming this was 4 years before.

Somehow her classmates got to her parents and worst thing they believed it and told her to leave their house as such a bully and disgrace wasn't their daughter . This was the last straw for marinette as everyone she had loved had left her except her friend luka, jagged stone and penny jagged's assistance .marinette packed her stuff there wasn't much as she had bought a studio after her business had skyrocketed so she took the few things she had and left as she was leaving sabine and tom looked at her and for the first time saw that mari wasn't showing any emotion and was wearing something which had no pink at all and her hair was in a french braid she left without saying anything.

her hair but in midnight blue colour.

her hair but in midnight blue colour

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her dress

After a month of leaving her home jagged returned to paris as he was doing a tour and when he asked mari where to come to collect his clothes she gave him a different address which wasn't the bakery now jagged didn't know about liela rossi as mari...

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After a month of leaving her home jagged returned to paris as he was doing a tour and when he asked mari where to come to collect his clothes she gave him a different address which wasn't the bakery now jagged didn't know about liela rossi as mari didn't want to burden him but as jagged care for marinette as a daughter he knew there was something amiss in her life and he was waiting for her to tell him what it was.

When he reached the address mari opened the door and let him in as he was looking around he saw there was a kitchen and a room and studio he asked her,"blueberry are you living here?"

"u-um yes i am" she replied looking nervous.

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