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Sabine and Amelie Graham de Vanily were good friends thought they make an unusual pair. Their friendship started at a children's store( or whatever they are called). Though people may think there couldn't be more different people they had much in common both being fierce, loving their family, knowing martial arts and children of the same age. The latter was the reason they had started talking and found a friend in each other.

Amelie was feeling lonely as she couldn't meet with her sister as often as she would like because of Gabriel. And Felix didn't have any friends his age.

Sabine thought about how it might be nice for Marinette to have friends as though her daughter was nice she didn't have any close friends so maybe Amelie son might become her friend.

And thus met Felix and Marinette at first they didn't start on the right foot.

"Just know I don't like people. And it wasn't my idea to meet you." said little Felix trying to mimic an adult.

"Well how can you judge me without knowing me. You're just like Chloe." said Marinette angrily putting her little hands on her waist trying to show her disapproval.

"Bourgeois!! you take that back I am nothing like that that meanie." said Felix

"you know Chloe too? and how are you not like her." said Marinette

"Well.. (trying to think of reasons but not getting any) I am not a girl?" said more like asked Felix

Marinette couldn't hold it any more she started laughing. Felix also starts laughing as her laugh is contagious.

"Maybe we could be friends you aren't who I thought you were." said felix

"Yay! does that mean you'll come here and play with me." said Marinette. 

And thus started a beautiful Friendship.

They became best friends and would go to each others houses. Their mothers were happy. They would tell each other everything. But 4 years later Felix had to move to London because of his father's company.

"hey! don't cry its not like I won't be coming I can't just leave my only best friend alone." said Felix while hugging Marinette.

" You promise you won't forget me and replace me?" asked Marinette

"who could ever replace you  my macron? and I'll call you every week and we can talk about our lives. And I'll return in a few years." said felix

"promise?" said Mari.

"Promise" said Felix.

they hugged a last time and Felix went to his car waving as he went tears sliding his cheeks.

"Mama he will come back no?" asked Mari also crying .

"of course sweetie." replied Sabine

A/N -how is it my lovelies?

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